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Our Friday Five || Jodie Edition
That video! I remember reading briefly how Maroon 5 crashed a wedding but I didn't realize it was multiple weddings for their video. LOVE then genuine faces of shock on the bride and grooms.
Saw that video last week, so fun! Is it really true though???They crashed all of them for real? I've never even heard of an immersion circulator, but if it makes my meat look like that, I'm in!
Thanks for showing off my succulent planter girls! xoxoxo That steak though! I need it in my belly asap!
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Our Friday Five | Jodie Edition

01| Merry & Bright Sign || A Beautiful Mess
I love everything about this.
I plan to get my hands dirty and make myself one. Like, tomorrow!
02| Taylor Swift || Blank Space || Lip Syncing
Love this song and this video is really cute!
03| These custom rubber stamps || Tara Grangroth Designs
I love stuff with my name on it. Are you the same?
I just got one of these stamps and they are really great quality and shipping was fast!
04| Plastic Cup Snow Globe || The 36th Avenue
I’m in love with snow globes this year and this one is especially cute.
I am loving all those ideas!! Happy Holidays!
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Our Friday Five | Jodie Edition

(I’m sorry about all the yummy photos. I must have been REALLY hungry!)
What’s on your Friday Five?
um…. that's a whole lotta yumminess!!!
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Our Friday Five | Jodie Edition

loving the skirted stool…adorable! and saw the other woman movie (first movie in a long time) and agree… hilarious!
ohh my…… skirted chair is to die for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Our Friday Five | Jodie Edition

I had some fun searching through Etsy so, I thought I would share some of my finds for my Friday Five.
Hope you see something you like too!

(All of the cases in this shop are $18.99…great price, I thought.)

If you have a favorite Etsy shop or a shop of your own, please feel free to share with us in the comments!
Have a great weekend!
In case you were interested, many of those dolls from Plato Squirrel were originally created by Gingermelon. If you go to her etsy page, you can not only get dolls, but many patterns to create them yourself, which is excellent if you want to make a set or customize for someone special!
These are great! You need to add one more: MY newest favorite: Sweet Whimsy Designs. Take a peek, you won't be disappointed!!!
I bookmarked most of these shops. Super cute! Thanks for sharing them with us
Happy weekend!!
oh my heck these are all so CUTE!!!
Obsessed with the garlands (made out of vintage story books!) and the zipper pouches in this shop: She sells at our local Farmer's Market and I've been so impressed with the quality of her work.
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Our Friday Five | Jodie Edition

go on the train ride out of Skagway if that is one of your stops. take the walk in Ketchikan to see the salmon if you have time. explore the culture and don't stay too long in shops. stay out on the deck of the boat as much as possible, the whales and scenery are amazing!
Awesome, babe! Have a good weekend:)
Bring warm clothes – June is NOT warm in Alaska (we kinda learned the hard way!). Stay out late – it's so fun to be walking around at midnight and it's not dark! And bring your swimsuit…we were the ONLY people we ever saw in the hot tubs on the ship.
Explore Alaska and not just the towns with all the shops. Plan your excursions so you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. I completely agree with the train ride, it was truly amazing and a memory I will never forget.
Have fun. -
Hi Jodie!
My husband and I did an Alaskan cruise for our honeymoon a year ago. I have lots of tips but here are the ones that came to mind first:
– 100% book with a cruise line that is well received in Alaska. We went on Princess but Norwegian also has a good reputation. Other cruise lines had to anchor outside of the ports and their passengers had to ride (in lifeboats!) into the dock. We jumped on and off in a snap.
-Book an itinerary with Glacier Bay National Park (vs. Tracey Arm Fjord). My personal opinion is that the caving glaciers were even more beautiful than the Grand Canyon.
– 100% book a room with a balcony. A window will not do Alaska justice. Order hot coco and extra blankets and "sunbathe" as you watch the glaciers, icebergs and marine life.
-Bring two pairs of binoculars. Having one to share was a misstep on our part.
– Bring snacks and a book to read or something else to do during the boarding process it is a long wait (mostly standing). On the end of your trip, if you're able, elect to carry your own luggage off. Otherwise you have to do the check-in process in reverse. I was so glad someone suggested this to us at dinner.
– Do "freestyle" dinning if your cruise line offers it. Not having to eat before you're hungry or rush to make a certain time was awesome. Sometimes we sat just us (it was our honeymoon after all) but sometimes we sat with larger groups of strangers that became friends.
-Prepare for rain as well as the temps. Spring/summer in Alaska can be wet… although we had excess of rain gear because our trip was 70 degrees and sunny all ten days.
– Get out of town. The port cities are tourist traps with tacky souvenir and jewelry shops. Go to Liarsville for the salmon (and the honey glaze), ride the train (see above), etc. A not to miss for us was the campy lumberjack show in Skagway.
-Lastly, have a great time! Our trip was perfection and I'm feel so lucky that we got to experience such a fantastic part of the country. I'd go back in a heartbeat.I think that's the biggies, if I think of anything else I'll come back and add them.
BTW, first time commenter, long time reader!
Thanks and have a great weekend! Morgan
One revision – The lumberjack show is in Ketchikan not Skagway. – Morgan
I don't know anything about Alaska, ;), but I do know that this is one of my Favorite Friday Five's ever! Have a great weekend!
I live in beautiful Anchorage, Alaska! Bring warm clothes (sunny and 62° today) You will be an awe of Alaska's beauty and wildlife! I have lived here for 35+ years– it never gets old!
I have been on 3 cruises to Alaska and love it and I know you will too! You will see some whales from your ship but I suggest you book a whale excursion on a small boat to get an awesome experience. To save money on all your excursions and be with a smaller group I recommend reserving them before you go and with a reputable tour company (not the cruise line).
And take a raincoat or poncho as they have a fair amount of "liquid sunshine". -
ooooh… I am totally making myself one of those polka dot sun hats!! : ) Great features
I've never been on a cruise, but my family and several of my friends have been on several and they have always told me if I took a cruise to ask my doctor about getting a dramamine patch. I'm not prone to motion sickness, but my dad who is retired Navy has told me that it does help. They have seen several passengers so sick they weren't able to enjoy the cruise. Have a great time.
I've never been on a cruise to Alaska… but my parents live in Anchorage and we're headed up there to visit them this summer! Got to escape this Vegas heat somehow!
Great tips so far. I'll add 2. Bring warm gloves. Visit any and all Visitor Centers in any towns you stop in. They can tell you the best places not to miss. Have a great time-I know we did!
As far as motion sickness – you are not as apt to be bothered by this on this cruise as you will be between land. I do have a problem sometimes in the Caribbean but I suggest you avoid Dramamine as it will make you drowsy. Try the seabands (wrist bands). They are about $10 at the drugstore or if you want to take medication take Bonine. It won't make you drowsy.
I agree with Becki! I used the Seabands and Bonine and had no issues! Morgan
are you doing the land and sea tour, or just the sea part? we were told to get a port side balcony, and that did not disappoint in glacier bay. we literally did not leave our room that day-sine room service is free, we ordered all our meals that way so as not to miss anything or any possible animal sighting. it was well worth it.
Just arrived home from Alaska this morning. I suggest at least an extra day or two in Vancouver. We stayed at Sutton Place great price on Expedia. In Anchorage try the Snow City Cafe for Breakfast or Lunch. It will not disappoint. Bring a hat, I needed it last week. The train ride by far was my favorite.
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Our Friday Five | Jodie Edition

Eeeek! Thanks for featuring my baseball goodie bags Jodie! And that chore chart app looks awesome too! Getting a text that says my kids' chores are done seems like it would be the best texts I've ever received.
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Our Friday Five | Jodie Edition
01| Knitty Bitties Shop
Make sure to follow Knitty Bitties on Instagram for her #instasales.
She has some very, very cute things!
I’m thinking Teacher Appreciation Week?!

Aren’t these eggs beautiful?
These eggs make me want to invite some girlfriends (and sisters)
over for a yummy Easter Brunch.
03| Girl’s bedroom inspiration
(Boho Chic girl’s room by J+J Design Group)
I am having a hard time finishing my girls’ room redo.
This room has my wheels turning….isn’t it wonderful?!
I bought their headboards here and the room is painted.
Can’t wait to finish it up!

Matt and I love going out!
So, when something new in Vegas opens up…we can’t wait to check it out.
I loved the Linq!
And that big Ferris Wheel is called the High Roller.
And on the right is Sprinkles. Yum.
Have fun at the birthday party! Enjoy your weekend!! I'll be studying poetry and writing a paper for college. Yay! Have an awesome weekend!!
I looooooooove those eggs!!! cute!
The eggs are beautiful!!!!
Enjoy your trip, sorry we aren't going to have better weather!
I love Kristen Bell, and I love that she got recognition in Frozen, but also sad she's overshadowed by the other gal. I love sprinkles, and that Girls room is pretty FAB! Also love those gold leafed eggs, fancy!
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Our Friday Five | Jodie Edition

01| these make me hungry
House of Yumm
02| workout clothes
(Lululemon hoodie, Nike shirt, shoes, Nike capris)
(p.s thanks to all those that chimed in about the shoes on my instagram)
03| messy faces + tiny piggies
04| spring wreaths
Positively Splendid, Made in a Day, Create. Craft. Love, The Baker’s Daughter
make sure you check out the blog next week as we celebrate our 4th birthday!
can you even believe it’s been that long?!
yay Happy Birthday!!!! I love the sweatshirt on the top right!!!! So cute!
Wow! Thanks for featuring my Strawberries and Cream pancakes on your blog
Happy Friday!
I've always loved that hose wreath, and those pancakes make me hungry, too! Cute baby;)
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Our Friday Five | Jodie Edition

Would LOVE to put this on a wall in my home.

Aren’t these so cute?
They will look so happy on my new tablecloth…if I ever get around to making it.

I will most definitely be printing these off for the new year.
Our Primary President will think I’m the bomb.

I’ve been wanting to rid 2013 with a juice fast. Have you seen Fat Sick & Nearly Dead?
I have the juicer and I’m wanting to feel more alive this year.
Thoughts on a juice fast…or adding juicing to your daily diet?

I love this backdrop.
Maybe I can use it with one of my three girly birthday parties this year?
Hope you had a great New Year!
Jen and I got to ring in the New Year with Adam Levine.
What did you do?
Adam Levine on NYE!? Great way to ring in the new year!
Jealous!! I bet that was a fantastic concert! I saw him twice in 2013!
I am so in love with that wallpaper!!!!! <3
New Years can't get much sweeter than a little Adam;)
I rewatched Fat Sick and Nearly dead and broke out my new juicer. We used to have the Breville one but then switched to one that cold presses so that the juice stays more viable. (It's also way quieter) It's delicious, and we feel great but I'm not sure I could do a full fast. Even today I had a brain fart at work and can't even imagine how spacey I'd be on no food. Plus I'd have to juice for an hour the night before to have juice for the whole next day. It's so tempting though.
Love the yarn garland!
I am sure your Primary President already thinks your the bomb!!
I"m so lazy, the juicing thing sounds great though. LOVE the eye candy in the yarn garland….I really wanted to go to Maroon 5 when they were in Austin, but several friends looked at me like I was crazy. THEY are crazy!
I want your thoughts on juicing and what you learn! I got a juicer for Christmas and have juiced every day since. I LOVE it! Also just FYI, my (who is going through some AWFUL things in her life/marriage) met with a counselor that told her juicing is one of the BEST things she can do to heal her mind/body from all the stress. Thought that was interesting.
Haha…noticed that I left out "who"–my mom. Anyway, I know night time would be the hardest for me too. I always want to eat more from about 5:00 anyway! I want to try an actual juice fast when I'm done nursing.
I want your thoughts on juicing and what you learn! I got a juicer for Christmas and have juiced every day since. I LOVE it! Also just FYI, my (who is going through some AWFUL things in her life/marriage) met with a counselor that told her juicing is one of the BEST things she can do to heal her mind/body from all the stress. Thought that was interesting.
You look like a creative genius..
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[Our Friday Five] Jodie Edition

05| Story of My Life – One Direction

that print options temps me to get a smart phone…I had a recent reason I wanted a polaroid, but can't even remember what it was!!
Looooove printic
Hey cute friend- thanks for the shout out!! xo
And you love the same song as Julia.I know it by heart.
can you tell me which app it is to print? for some reason it is not showing up on your website. thank you!
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Our Friday Five // Jodie Edition
01 // Check this out…
They have a blog too!

Love that song! and we'll never be Royals, Royals…
That soup looks so comforting!
Loved looking at sunshine magazine! Thanks!
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[our friday five] jodie edition

i did it.
i got braces (at 32).
if you are local, this is the place to straighten your grill…even if you’re a tad older, like me.
i think there are 6 of us (an eighteen25er and offspring) currently in braces.
well shoot. thoughts?
what’s on your friday 5 this week?
are you getting kids ready to go back to school?
Guilty pleasure – the Bachelorette!
Disappointed in the Bachelorette this season…I'm bummed too because I LOVE Des but none of the guys are good! =(
Little Miss Posie is adorable. Miss you guys!
*I live like 2 minutes from the green valley ranch casino — I only discovered recently how beautiful their pool is! Fun for you!
*Ya, The Bachelorette was pretty sad. I hated that she was so into him but he was just ehh. I had high hopes for him, but if you're not feeling it you're not feeling it. I'm very interested to see what goes down in next week's episode and the "After the final rose" episode. I'm very curious about where everybody is at now — Des, Brooks, and Drew & Chris after watching the season unfold. -
Lovely photos.:) In our country school begins on the 1st of September.:)
I'm sad I haven't watched a lick of the bachelorette this season….I may just watch the finale thought.
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[Our Friday Five] Jodie Edition
Have you been making videos? Do you love having video as an option or do you hate it?
I was browsing Etsy and fell in love with this shop. These little houses (and everything below) are jnstant downloads for purchase. You can use them as gift boxes, decorations, party favors….so many things!
04| Mabel
Can you argue the fact that these are adorable? For all you moms out there that say there aren’t any cute baby boy clothes….you’re welcome! Check out Mabel here.
05| Honey Mustard Pretzel Chicken
Looks good enough to eat, right? It’s on the menu for this week…found it here.
Pretty sweet! I'm still up in the air with instagram with video. I think I want my pics to be with other pics and video with video. I'll stick with that for now since I like to print my instagrams. That recipe looks amazing!!!! trying
thank you so much for posting my printable kits! I so appreciate it!
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Our Friday Five | Jodie Edition
01| Dr. Brown’s Bottles
I nurse Posie but when we are in a pinch, I love these Dr. Brown’s bottles.
Have you used them before?
02| Evie J
If you are looking for some fun accessories to add to your collection, check out Evie J.
03| Gru’s First Television Appearance
We were so excited to see Gru on Ellen because we can not wait to see the next Despicable Me!
04| Big day for Posie
Posie was blessed a couple weeks ago.
I loved that she was able to wear the dress that I wore 32 years ago.
We are so lucky to have this little lady in our lives!
05| Need a laugh?
I hope you are not offended by this commercial…it cracks me up…every time I watch it! Every time.
What’s on your Friday 5?
I used the Dr. Brown bottles with all three of my boys. A little tedious to clean but loved them. Cute accessory!
I LOVED Gru's First Television Appearance.
Cracked me up!
And of course the KMart commercial is a classic! I love the older man say, "I just shipped my bed!!"
Oh my gosh, I LOVE Steve Carell. He's hilarious and I love that he's Gru. I didn't get to see this clip, so thanks for sharing.
Oh, and that Kmart commercial? HILARIOUS!
Have you seen the new Kmart commercial about big gas prices?! It is equally funny!
Gotta love that commercial, now I have to look up the gas prices one!
LOVE that Kmart commercial!!! And thanks for sharing the Gru on Ellen clip – loveeed it!!
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[our friday five] jodie edition

i just bought up a ton of her felt bow headbands for my little Posie.

this potty time app seriously saved us!
it is so cool and just when i thought there was no hope…
i found this….you will want to give it a try!
05| Love Dove and their Real Beauty Sketches.
If you haven’t seen it….you should!
I love all of these! Commercial = hilarious, bow = adorable, cups = LOVE this song!, potty training = don't miss those days :), dove real beauty = eye opening (I too posted that one on my blog a week or so ago). Have a great weekend!
I could be wrong, but isn't the girl singing in the "Cups" video the same girl that plays Bella's friend Angie, in Twilight?
i like the song when i'm gone, but if my kids do the cup part of it on my kitchen counter, the wall, the bureau, the car……one more time…..
I SO love the cups song! Man, serious talent! And I will definitely be checking out the potty training app…I've been dreading it with my almost 3 year old…
These are awesome videos! That Pepsi/Jeff Gordon one is for my son – he'll get a kick out of it. And the cups song is definitely for my daughter – she loves Pitch Perfect. I guess the Dove video is for me.
Thanks for sharing! -
I needed a good laugh, thanks for sharing the Pepsi commercial!
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[our friday five] jodie edition

Hi Jodi! Love, LOVE your Friday Five. The banana poke cake looks yummy!
You and I think too much alike. I have 3 out of the 5 of those pinned already! Posie is the CUTEST thing ever.:)
The banana poke cake looks yummy…
Great pictures, from Indonesian with love -
So cute and the dishes look so yummy! Posie made me laugh! So cute!!!!
I just bought the stuff to make that poke cake. I can't wait to try it!!
The bunny ears are adorable! If I had an appropriate cutter I would make them instantly. I'm off to browse Amazon for cutters….Love your Friday Five! Lots of inspiration
Hey Ladies! Just wanted to let you know that I featured your cute "Pickle Jar Project" on my blog this weekend.
Thanks for all the fun ideas!
Christine @
Your little posie is a doll:) I am tickled to see my Bunny milk and cookies here; thanks so much!
I got pin happy with your top five. Love the bunny ear cookies and the poke cake. Thanks for all the great ideas!!
you have very nice blog
have fun. -
These 5 lists seem like a great way to be positive.
Thanks for the shout out on my Lego posters. Posie is adorable!!!! Congrats! She's definitely the best of the top 5.
Those Avengers prints are killer. I did some silhouette ones in acrylic and my 'Lil Man STILL loves 'em.
The Cheeky Daddy -
Yes Posie IS so sweet! And I am loving how stinkin' cute that artwork is from IAMHMR… can't wait to copy! (; xo
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[our friday five] jodie edition
01| the little gentleman’s closet
i love the ties and bow ties from this etsy shop. some seriously cute fabrics and super good quality!
here’s my little guy all ready to head to church…
my sister does it again! aren’t these invites so cute?!
these can’t get enough attention. especially when baby is all i’m thinking about right now.
what are you thinking about this friday?
anyone have any fun plans?
those ties are adorable!! love them! super cute picks!
And the bowties have it!
Cute. I think my 'Lil Man would look spiffy in those. Thanks for sharing. Now the ladies have no power to resist him!Jason
The Cheeky Daddy -
that dish looks delish!
Love the nerd party invites. My 13 yr old loves the whole nerd trend!
That's the cutest invie EVER.
The ties and onesies are adorable!!
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[our friday five] jodie edition

I'm thinking about my baby girl turning one today and my one week countdown until Walt Disney world marathon weekend!!!!!!
I thought the same thing with the Target line!
Where's the kid's parkas? Trying to freeze them? JK…on Christmas morning here it was COLD…-18C or so, brrr.
Love the Articles of Faith cards…just released from Primary though.
I'm thinking about getting my sewing done! I have two blouses and a new temple outfit/dress (as yet pattern not decided on nor fabric (white) chosen…not sure if polar fleece is reverent enough…our new temple is cold!).Happy New Year!
What cute kids you have! I Love the stockings also… thanks for sharing your fav's today! I really look forward to you and your sister's Friday Fav's! Happy New Year!
You read my mind with those Article of Faith Cards! I was just going to ask for a copy :o)
Some fun stuff here Jodie. I especially dig the Target winter collection. It's fun to consider what we want to rid of the old, to bring in some new each season. Thanks for the suggestions.
The Cheeky Daddy -
I ran into Target this week to pick up gloves, and had to touch all the new stuff (and I may have bought a new piggie bank…it was a citron yellow bird)…how was I supposed to resist all their cuteness?
I'm thinking even with the world being unsettled I feel happy and optimistic for this year. I LOVE new beginnings and fresh starts!!
Nice stuff there,,
Found this post on pinterest and our primary kids have done really well with the AofF punch cards.Even my 3yr old is learning them and two of our senior primary kids have already filled their punch cards!
I was wondering if you've considered making punch cards for the monthly primary scripture? Our primary pres wants to challenge some of the older kids, and I would love for the cards to match or at least look like a set. I'm willing to make my own, but would you mind emailing me with some details (ie fonts, etc.)? Thanks!
Just wanted to say Thank You for sharing your articles of faith punch card!
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[our friday five] jodie edition
01| joy to the world mantle

04| cute scalloped rug
05| if you are local-
you won’t want to miss this craft show!

hopefully we will see you there!
(handmade district craft show facebook page)
. . .
That iphone case makes me want an iphone!
Is the show info on your Facebook page or The District's?
I need that phone case.
I love the Friday Five!!
Thank you so much for featuring our Joy to the World mantle!!
You girls are simply the best ever!! XOXO
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[our friday five] jodie edition

this is where we’ve been all week. we had so much fun!! i’m already itchin to go back.
02| lemon melting moments

03| fall mantle + display
04| these sweet swaddling blankets
you can find them here. it’s fitting since they are called “princess posie”.
you can buy them here.
what five things have you been thinking about lately?
I have been thinking about 1. Going to a pumpkin patch. 2. Getting my Starbucks coffee with pumpkin spice syrup 3. Baking pumpkin bread, 4. Making a fall bucket list, 5. And sewing a slipcover for my couch. All pumpkin related except for number 5!
I love those blankets!!! They were the most awesome thing for a summer baby so I'm sure you would love them in Vegas. I got mine at target, the print is not as cute but they are a little bit cheaper.
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[our friday five] jodie edition

Hi Jodie! Thanks for sharing ~ that video of the proposal made my day!!!!
i cry at the video, too. how wonderful to be loved so much!
I have to say that video was adorable! It made me tear up. Such an awesome proposal.
Love the yellow necklace!
Teared up over here too
Thanks for sharing that video! I teared up, too! How lucky she is to have so many friends and a wonderful fiance!
That video is absolutely adorable!! Thanks for posting it!
Nearly bawled while I watched the video. I watched it twice and then had my husband watch it. I think he even got a bit misty!! How would you say no after a production like that.
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[our friday five] jodie edition
01|etsy shop to check out
02|cupcake to try
03|instagram photo i love
my piper-doing her thing.
Your daughter piper is so cute! I love the name! Thank you so much for posting my shop! what a wonderful surprise! I cant thank you enough!
Oh yes! The vaNIElla squared flavor looks divine and just like something I would love. I'll definitely be trying that. And I'll be getting my card punched at the sweet tooth fairy!
PS I love Piper. End of discussion.
I really like your blog and I want to follow, do you have twitter??If you want some Swedish décor inspiration, you can check out my blog:)
Have a great week
LOVE Maria at
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[our friday five] jodie edition
01| rey swimwear

i am lovin’ everything about this party…isn’t it darling?!
(you’ll want to see the rest of their photos here.)
05| a happy birthday wish…
hooray for that!
Those swimsuits are fantastic!!
I love the custom prints. So cute!
LOVE those suits! Happy Birthday Quincy!
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[our friday five] jodie edition
03| something i’ve been wanting
04| home decor i’ll be making
Yay to your husband! That is quite an accomplishment!
your five are my five….love your little cuties (and that yellow trunk), Justin Bieber has been my secret boyfriend for a few years now, love those slips, have one and need more, did you repin that HOH sign from me? love it, too, and my hubby is a cyclist, but sorta fefuses to attach that trailer to the back of his bike.
I think the Bieb is channeling Morrissey in that photo. That's a good thing, of course.
PS I'm loving these Friday Fives so we can all get to know you girls better!
The "You & Me" looks fab – going to check it out. Thanks for sharing!
That is a huge accomplishment for your husband. I love reading Friday Fives.
High five to your husband! and thanks for the slips. I love that feminine touch.
New to your blog {love it} and compliments to your husband!
Thank you so much for posting about my You&Me artwork! What a thrill to see my work on your site. I love your blog and am just so excited that you love something I created. You guys rock!!
Allison @ House of Hepworths
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[our friday five] jodie edition
01 | the queen bee market @ snap
(us girls are at snap this weekend and we are more than excited to do some shopping at the queen bee market)

thanks, jodie. cute pic of you girls.:)i can't wait for the market either!:)
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 2 post on Apr. 21, 2012. Thanks again.
You crazy girls..I had TOO much fun with you! So many laughs…so glad Shelly was our entertainment of the wknd
Love ya guys!
a friend of mine turned me onto Birchbox – I've recieved 2 so far and love them! Plus my 12 year old daughter loves getting whatever items in the box I don't want.
Your phone pic is better than my phone pic…can I snag it? That s'mores table looks awesome!
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[our friday five] jodie edition

omgosh, that little conversation with your boy is just too sweet! (and I love that doll suitcase, btw)
I just love that suitcase doll!! Great pics, thank you!
i've been obsessed with "we are young" by fun for so long now, and it still doesn't get old… such a great song!!!!
I loooooove your ''favorite Quote''
Awww…love the quote. So sweet
Okay that quote by your little one was so darling! awww and I love the picture of your girlie. Such cute kids!
Thanx for sharing!
Thanks for introducing me to my new favorite song. It's now on my iPhone and I'm listening to it nonstop.
LOVE that garden party! such a sweet idea!
My daughter JUST turned 4 but I am so planning that garden party for her 5th!!!
Love that garden stool!
Fairy garden parties for everyone!
Love that and I'm going to try to do something like that for my girls and their friends. Also, they get invited to a neighbor's party every year, and I think a fairy garden would make a great hostess gift :). And thanks for the song!
Thanks so much for doing the Friday 5!! L-O-V-E Jen & Jodi's Friday 5's!!!