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Jun252015 posted by Jodie and Jen 17 Comments
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Jul312014 posted by Jodie and Jen 14 Comments
Sara Parr says
Thank you for these! Love your book rec posts! I have recently enjoyed The Husband's Secret and The Light Between Oceans.
Jen says
I keep hearing about The Husband's Secret… did you like it?
Jen T says
Shadow and Bone trilogy by Leigh Bardugo–me and my 3 girls are loving them!
Jen says
Sounds interesting… I'll have to check them out! 🙂
Anonymous says
I adored Light Between Oceans!
Sarah says
I just finished "The Vintage Tea Cup Club" and "Scarlett Feather"–quick reads that were good. Also read "The Boys in the Boat"–very good.
Jen says
Thanks for sharing Sarah! I'll be sure to look into all those… especially "the boys in the boat" since it got a "very good" from you. 🙂
Alicia Hutchinson says
I love your book review posts. I just read Gone Girl (omg!!) and Serena (yikes! kinda freaky!) and House Girl (pretty good!).
I NEVER read books, I think I need to listen to more b/c i want to, but my computer is my only hobby (is that sad?) these days. I need to figure out how to use audible, is it a phone app that you download the book?
Brittany Evans says
I love your recommendations! I'm so excited to check these out! Right now I'm reading the Matchmakers on Huckleberry Hill series by Jennifer Beckstrand. Huckleberry Hill, and Huckleberry Summer. Just light, fun Amish love stories. 🙂 I also just finished Summer on Blossom Street by Debbie MacComber, and now I'm excited to go back and read all of the other books in the (sort of) series that came before it. I loved it! I've read Rent Collector and just loved it! I'm looking for recommendations along the lines of Rent Collector and The Help…you know what I mean? Just stand alone books based on real events. I just love those!
Brittany Evans says
*Debbie Macomber 🙂
Just Rhonda says
I loved the rent collector!!! It's soooo good!! I'm reading a series of books right now called the Angelic Letters Series. It's a 5 book series about a love story that spans over a couples lives. Each book is 10 years in their lives. It's kinda cheesy christen romance;) I'm totally looking up The language of flowers!!
Lori B. says
Two memoirs I like that remind me of The Language of Flowers are The Glass Castle and The Middle Place.
I also liked Digging to America which sounds like it might have a lot of similar themes to How to Be an American House Wife.
Thanks for the new book ideas. I am always looking for a great novel.
Anonymous says
I just accidentally happened to this blog post one day and per your recommendations I have read The Rent Collector and The Launguage of Flowers…LOVED them both. Getting ready to read Where'd You Go Bernadette. I also recently read The All Girls Filling Station Reunion…delightful! I recommend it. Thanks for posting!!
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Apr32014 posted by Jodie and Jen 14 Comments
Jessica Tant says
I love The Fault In Our Stars! I cannot wait until the movie! I am reading the Trylle Series by Amanda Hocking right now and it is amazing. I am almost done with the last book and I never want it to end. I keep hearing things about Wonder so I think I am going to read that next.
Felicia says
I loved Wonder and The Fault in Our Stars! I just finished The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult and Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Both of them were good but, oddly, both of them involved vampires.
Monica says
I'm a little concerned about the movie for The Fault in Our Stars. I don't think it is possible to capture the magic of the book. I recently finished Eleanor and Park – Amazon said I should love it – I didn't. It wanted to be a similar teen, smart, love story but it needed to try a little harder. The Secret Keeper is one of my favorites of the year, the ending is genius! I just finished The Secret Garden by Kate Morton, it wasn't quite as good but definitely worth the read. Several months ago I read the book The Chaperone. It isn't exclusively about orphan trains, but that plays a key part for one character. Besides that, I really liked the book – lots of good historical details woven into a great story.
Elise says
So happy to hear that you enjoyed The Secret Keeper!! I have heard quite a bit about Orphan Train and I love books that make me learn something new. I watched the trailer for The Fault in our Stars and it made me cry…now I have to read it, so excited! Thank you for your suggestions!
Sabrina says
Me before You by JoJo Moyes was fantastic!!
I will have to add all of these to my goodreads list… thank you for sharing
Jenny K says
The Rosie Project is a good light hearted read that I really enjoyed!
Sarah says
"The Chaperone" by Laura Moriarty intertwines the subject of orphan trains through the book, along with the story of Louise Brooks, who was a silent-film star in days long ago. I thought it was a good read. I had never heard about orphan trains before I read "The Chaperone".
Anonymous says
As a kid I read the Orphan Train West Trilogy by Jane Peart. They might be out of print now, but I thought they were fascinating.
Tiffany Shotsberger says
I just finished a book for young readers that was terrific. It is by Laurie Halse Anderson and is titled Chains. It is a historical fiction.
Just Rhonda says
I loved the top two!!! I'll look up both the other ones!!! I'm kind of on a non fiction run right now! I'm reading one about the science of food! It's totally interesting!
Monica says
One more comment, I also recently read Me Before You and agree, it was great. I am currently reading The Girl You Left Behind by the same offer and loving it.
Nurse Vicki says
Did you catch in the Secret Keeper her mention of the Author of the Secret Garden being at the big house. kind of neat loved that book read quite a few years ago. Have you read Language of Flowers, if not you should you would love it. I also liked Fault in our Stars just finished reading it myself.
Anonymous says
"Moon Over Manifest."
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Jan162014 posted by Jodie and Jen 56 Comments
Danielle Miller says
Loved the Kitchen House – great book! Im reading Plain Truth from Jodi Piccoult right now.
Jen says
I can't remember if I've read Plain Truth?? I usually really like Jodi Piccoult!
Suzanne says
Love the suggestions. I'm reading the Dressmaker right now.
Jen says
That one is on my To-Read List Suzanne!
Mique says
Another thing we have the same taste in…. I've read 1/2 of these. Shoemaker's Wife and the Divergent series (except I'm still working on Allegiant). I want to read the other 2! And to see the Book Thief. It's hard to find around here. :/
I wish we lived close enough (for about 2002340949 reasons) to have book club in person. xo
Jen says
The Book Thief was only showing like twice a day here. It took me forever to find a time when I could go. (is it really only 2002340949 reasons?? haha)
I'll have to check out The Fault in Our Stars!! Pretty sure I've heard good things about that one before!
Mique says
P.S. You might like The Fault in Our Stars by John Greene if you haven't read it yet. Sad but funny and so well written.
Amber says
The Shoemakers Wife is on my to-read list, and now so is The Kitchen House. I just finished reading The House at Riverton by Kate Morton, and I'm about to start The Great Pearl Heist – London's Greatest Thief and Scotland Yard's Hunt for the World's Most Valuable Necklace (how's that for a subtitle?).
Jen says
I love Kate Morton! I guess she has a new one too that's been mentioned below in the comments… I'm going to have to check them out. 🙂
The Kitchen House is my book club selection and we meet tomorrow! I loved it! I also love Adriana T. and her books. Shoemaker's Wife was excellent. I have to check out the Divergent series, I've been hearing a lot about them!
Jen says
Were you a fan of Hunger Games? If so you'd probably like the Divergent series. 🙂 and I've only read the one Adriana T. book… I'll have to check out some of her others.
Elise says
I am reading The Shoemakers Wife right now…loving it so far! I have read The Kitchen House, SO good. I just finished The Longest Ride by: Nicholas Sparks, great book, good ending. I love Kate Morton's books, her latest, The Secret Keeper has to be my favorite though, it has a surprise ending that will knock your socks off!! I love it when you do a just off the bookshelf post, totally makes my day! 😉
Jen says
I love Kate Morton too! I'll for sure be ordering The Secret Keeper… thanks for letting me know about it! and p.s. you just made my day!! 🙂
i loved the kitchen house-it was one of those books that you didn't want to read b/c of the subject, and what you just knew was going to happen-yet it was so good, and so well written that of course you wanted to keep reading. does that make sense?
I just got done the husbands secret and it was really good. I like to see how individual stories are then weaved together, and that's what that was like.
Jen says
That makes total sense!!! 🙂
I'll have to check out the husbands secret… thanks for the recommendation!
teachermom says
I am reading One Summer by David Baldacci. AWESOME!!!!
Jen says
I don't think I've ever read one of his books… I'll have to check it out! Thanks!!
Audrey says
Have you read The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton? It's a GREAT book. I've since read 2 of her other books since finished The Secret Keeper and loved those too. I also really enjoyed Tell the Wolves I'm Home! Going to check out The Kitchen House ~ thanks for the suggestion!
Jen says
You are the second one to mention The Secret Keeper… going to order it today because I love Kate Morton!! (and probably Tell the Wolves I'm Home too :))
Carly says
Allegiant took me FOREVER to finish! I'm not sure if it's because I had read the first two so long ago so I wasn't really into it, but anytime I thought it was picking up I would get bored again. I definitely want to read the Shoemaker's Wife! And I love your rating system 🙂
Jen says
Yep… me too. Something about Allegiant just didn't do it for me??
and please give Shoemaker's Wife a try! I really did enjoy it. 🙂
Smith says
I always love your suggestions! Thanks! My new recent reading loves have been "If I Stay" and "Where She Went" by Gayle Foreman.
Jen says
Makes me happy to hear you enjoy my suggestions!! 🙂
I've never heard of those 2 books… I'll check them out today! Thanks so much.
i felt the same way about the divergent trilogy. loved the first one, enjoyed the second, thought the third one was crap. i was like….did i just read some really good books inbetween the time the second and third book came out or did her writing just get really crappy and mundane?? oh well. i still enjoyed the trilogy mostly
Jen says
exactly how I felt Rebecca!! 🙂 and I'm still really excited to see the movie!
kathee says
I just finished Longbourn by Jo Baker, it's Pride and Prejudice told from the servants point of view. I REALLY like it, it gives you a feeling of how much the servants had to go through. An author I recommend is Susanna Kearsley, I've loved every book of hers I read so far. Right now I'm reading We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler. I'm halfway though, it's very interesting – about a young woman who has a missing brother and sister, why they are missing is unfolding as it goes and I was just super shocked to learn something about the sister. It's making me want to do nothing today but read it to see what the heck is going on!!!
Jen says
thanks for all the recommendations Kathee!! Sounds like some good ones…. especially this We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves one… you have me hooked. 🙂
mhgraphicdesign says
Did you read the Book Thief before you saw the movie? If so, did you love the book and did the movie disappoint. The Book Thief is one of my all-time-favorites so I've been wary to see the movie.
Jen says
Yes I read it… it's one of my all time favorites too!! The book is definitely better, but I really enjoyed the movie as well! Plus I LOVED all the actors that were in the movie. Made me feel so much closer to them. (I get really close to the characters in books.. haha) I would definitely recommend seeing it. 🙂
Torrie says
The Kitchen House was excellent. I haven't read Divergent yet, but plan to. We are starting Ender's Game for Book club and just finished The Book Thief. I Love to see what you are reading. One of my favs is Wildflower Hill by Kimberly Freeman. Susanna Kearsley has several stellar books, and I just ready the Selection and Elite by Kiera Cass-young adult fun read. Thanks for all the recommendations and ratings it helps a lot when I am looking for something good to read.
Becs says
The Kitchen House sounds interesting, added that to my list. Loved Divergent and need to make time to read the rest. I am currently reading The Curiosity by Stephen P. Kiernan for book club, I'm not far in but it's intriguing.
Mikal says
I read the Kitchen House last year. Very hard to read, but important. Have you read The Glass Castle? So very interesting. I just read the Girls of Atomic City. Crazy interesting! I thought it would be too dry, but it filled in so many historical holes I had in regards to WWII. The Light Between Oceans is a quick read, but a little heartbreaking. I am reading Twelve Years a Slave right now. Other recent goodies: Honolulu, The Yellow House and All Different Kinds of Free.
Jen says
I keep eyeing The Glass Castle every time I'm at Target! I need to grab it.
and I'm definitely going to check out the Girls of Atomic City one… a couple of you mentioned it!
I believe Honolulu is by the same author as one of my favorites Molaka'i… so I'll need to get that one! Thanks for all the great recommendations!!
Andrea B. says
If you liked Divergent, then try Maze Runner and Legend (both trilogies). I really liked If I Stay (read it around the same time I read Our Fault in Stars. All the books you mentioned I've either read or are on my too read list. Thanks!
Jen says
Thanks for the recommendations Andrea! I haven't read any of the ones you've mentioned so I'm off to check them out today. 🙂
Nancy says
still haven't gotten a chance to read divergent! So many books I have to readdd
The Artistically Challenged: Beauty, Fashion, Music, Lifestyle Blog
Jen says
I hear ya! I have a list a mile long. 🙂
Courtney says
Have you ever read the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon? Those 7 books are fantastic, and she's working on the 8th, due out in late March.
Jen says
I haven't but it's been on my list forever!! I usually buy my books so I can share with my family and friends and I think because there are so many I keep putting it off. I have an amazon GC though… I think it might be time. I had no clue that she was working on another one though. That's exciting. 🙂
Tiffany York says
I read Divergent last Saturday…all in one day, I was that drawn in. It reminds me very much of The Hunger Games as well, but I think that it is mostly the dystopian setting, though they both have corruption when it comes to its leaders as well, and "Survival of the Fittest" mentality for some of the factions. It was a great read! I am currently reading The Book Thief and in love with it as well, though I'm sure I'll end up balling at some point, and then I will definitely want to see the movie!
Jen says
wish I was as good with words as you are Tiffany!!
I cried the hardest I've ever cried while reading during the ending of The Book Thief. 🙁 and then again at the movie. haha
Tiffany York says
Wow, thank you so much. That is an incredible compliment to receive; especially from one of my favorite blogs to read! I just finished The Book Thief this evening, and I cried very hard at the end as well. It was so beautifully written, though. I cannot wait to see the movie!
Laura B. says
These are my favorite posts! I love seeing what everyone's reading! Helps grow my list!!
Reading The Fault in the Stars right now. SO good!
Also read The English Rose, The Tea Rose and The Wild Rose. All good historical romance fiction!
Keep the recommendations coming!
Jen says
second mention of The Fault in the Stars!! It's going on the list. 🙂 I'll also have to check out those "Rose" books!! Historical Romance Fiction seems to be my thing. haha.
Anonymous says
You would love my book club. We read "The Kitchen House" a few months ago, and we read "The Book Thief" this past month. They were both well liked by our club. Our selection for next month is "The Girls of Atomic City: the Women Who Helped Win World War II." We stick to themes for our selections, and this coming month is nonfiction. It might have been chosen because we are based in east TN, which is where the story is set.
Love reading….it's the best.
Jen says
I'll be checking that one out!! Sounds really interesting and someone else mentioned it as well!! and I'm glad we all agree…. reading is the best!! 🙂
Julie says
Love, love The Book Thief and hesitant about seeing the movie. The Time Traveller's Wife is one of my all time favourite books and The Remains of the Day is on of the saddest you will ever read. The Kitchen House was awesome if terribly sad. Currently reading The Cuckoo Calling by J K Rowling. Reading is the best thing ever! I can do it all day long 🙂
Jen says
See the movie! I loved it. 🙂
and I agree reading is the best!! haha
Sheila Burns says
Looks like we have similar taste in books…that is to say, GOOD. I just finished The Kitchen House too. Loved it…I didn't LOVE love the Divergent Series, but I enjoyed it all the same. My book club spent some time talking about books we reread (Mine were Pavilion of Women by Pearl Buck and A Tree Grows in Brookly by Betty Smith) and she said hers was The Turquoise. I just got it, can't wait to start!
Donna Huisinga says
A few of my favorites : Loving Frank by Nancy Koran, The Glass Castle and also Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls, Once Upon a Town by Bob Greene is delightful. None of these are new books but are all wonderful. I have heard The Orphan Train is great and is on my list.
Unknown says
The Kitchen House was SO good! I recently finished Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. I seriously could not put it down (& I have 4 young kids).
I've told everyone I know to read it and a few friends finished it in 2 DAYS!!
Darcie says
Not sure why my last comment was "unknown", but I forgot a few that I loved! The Forgotten Garden and The Language of Flowers are both fantastic reads. Another young adult selection (if you liked The Fault in our Stars) is Eleanor & Park. It won a bunch of awards by national librarians in 2013.
The Michiganders says
I loved Wonder by R.J. Placido. It touched my heart and was so uplifting.
Krystina Montemurro says
loved the book thief. read divergent, but need to continue – i loved it. thanks for sharing! waiting for the golem and the jinni to come in the mail from amazon. i have to have pages and paper – not a kindle gal.
Anonymous says
I just finished Doc Holiday's Woman. It was not something I thought I would like but it was so good. I know a book will be good when my teenage son would rather read than watch t.v. and he read it in a few days!
G. says
Read The Fault in Our Stars. I read it in one day and wept, but it's so good. Also, the movie comes out this summer!
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Apr112013 posted by Jodie and Jen 25 Comments
So many of you recommended this book in the comments of the last book review post. I listened… and I agree. It’s a good one! Another 4.5 star book. My interest in the Japanese American internment camps is just getting started.
. . .
My latest purchases from amazon…
reeree62 says
I just read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn this past year… and I LOVED it too!!! Absolutely 5 stars. When I finished it, I kissed the book, and held it to my chest!! THAT'S how much I loved it <3
I so want to read The Kitchen House, The Healing & Hotel @ the Corner of Bitter & Sweet. Thanks for posting those… they sound great!
Laura says
I remember reading The Hiding Place years ago on my subway rides to work in NYC. An amazing true story that at times found me in a subway car with a tear streaming down my cheek. Highly recommend it.
Jackie/Jake says
I read Hotel on the Corner and Wild Swans and loved both of them!
Heather says
Thanks for the book recommendations!!! I pinned them all to my Books to Someday Read board. I am currently reading My Beloved World, Sonia Sotomayer's memoir and I am liking it very much. I've had A Tree Grows in Brooklyn on my list for a long while. Should probably read that next. Sounds like a good tie in to my current read.
VolunteerVal says
Love the book discussion and the rating system! I'm also an avid reader and enjoy the book-swapping website http://www.paperbackswap.com as an affordable way to support my "book habit" and still have money for crafting supplies.
Anonymous says
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is my favorite fiction book and The Hiding Place is one of my favorite non-fiction books. So powerful! So glad you are reading them both. Enjoy!
Torrie says
Kitchen House is a great book-totally eye opening, and sad but I recommend it!
Anonymous says
ATree Grows in Brooklyn is my FAVorite book….I think I read it for the first time in 5th grade..and I reread it every year..love the Nolan family…my family was a poor immigrant family, scraping by, filled with strong woman and not so strong men…maybe that's why I have loved and relaed to it all these years…
Anonymous says
I just read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and absolutely loved it!
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is wonderful read and a great window into the time period. The author addresses quite a few contemporary issues considering when the book was written.
Jason says
It's nice to get some recommended when I'm not sure what to read next. Looks like the verdict is A Tree Grows, yeah? I'll pick up a copy soon!
The Cheeky Daddy
Kristi says
I've been needing some new books to add to my kindle. Thanks for the suggestions, they sound great!
Crickit says
Thank you so much! I was just going to comment that I hadn't seen anything from your Book Shelf lately! You always recommend the best books! 🙂
Elise says
I love it when there's a just off the bookshelf post!! you will love the kitchen house! so sad, eye opening and good! just finished the hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet and I have read the hiding place but I will be adding the others to my reading list for sure, you have good taste in books! 🙂
i just finished the kitchen house, and it was a great book and great story, but one that was hard to read only because of the topic and how you were afraid things were progressing in the story.
i must have read the hiding place, but i can't remember.
i look forward to hearing your thougts on them when you're done.
Dawn says
a tree grows in brooklyn-love, love, love-thanks for the reminder-have to give it to my daughter
You will like "The Hiding Place" so much that you ought to order the sequel now… I think it's called "Tramp for the Lord."
Krista says
I read The Kitchen House last year. I loved it! But I'm a history nut, specifically early American history, so it was right up my alley! I, of course, also loved Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. Both books made me glad America is not where it used to be.
Jenn says
Great book choices! I haven't read The Healing, I'll have to take a look at it.
My favorite of all of them is The Hiding Place. It's one I have read many times over the years and I always find something new to think about.
My book club just read The Kitchen House and we liked it pretty well. Another good book about the slavery era is Someone Knows My Name. Not an easy read, but excellent.
Anonymous says
Read the Kitchen House last summer. It was a good read. A couple other great reads: The Warmth of Other Suns, Honolulu (by Alan Brennert), All Different Kinds of Free and Cutting for Stone (you may have already reviewed this one?).
tessie says
I love it when you cover your reading list! I love to 'order' my books at the library and will be adding a couple of these to the list.
Have you seen the movie version of 'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn'? It is actually as good as the book!
Alderberry Hill says
You'll love The Kitchen House – definitely one of my favorite reads to date. And I also love Hotel on the Corner of Bitter & Sweet too. The Warmth of Other Suns is another favorite…I'm off to check out the other books on your list!
Lindzie says
I've read Wild Swans twice. Loved Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. Good choices!
Deborah Starling says
This list seems right up my alley and I am so excited for some new novels in my life I can see you devour books like I do so I thought I would recommend a fantastic love story that I just read (and perhaps you can add it to your next list!).
The book is called Shanghai Love, by author Layne Wong (http://laynewong.com/). It is an unlikely love story between a Chinese herbalist and a Jewish refugee looking for safety from Nazi Germany. The herbalist, Peilin, was betrothed to a man who was killed before their wedding but tradition and honor forced the marriage along anyways. She is sent to Shanghai to manage his family’s herbal shop. Shanghai is also Henri’s destination as he has graduated from medical school as Hitler is rising to power. He flees to Shanghai where he’s befriended by Ping, Peilin’s brother. Through her kindness, Henri becomes fascinated with Chinese herbs as well as the exotic culture surrounding him and he falls in love with Peilin (of course!). New surprises emerge throughout the story – it’s an enthralling page-turner! I hope you will give it a read!
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Jul252012 posted by Jodie and Jen 30 Comments
The Invisible Wall: A Love Story That Broke Barriers
Stacey says
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet was a good book about the Chinese- and Japanese-Americans during WW II. It's fiction but still gives you an idea of how people were treated then.
collecteddust says
I think most of Amy Tan's books deal with this subject one way or another.
Maggie says
yes…Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet…awesome awesome book…can’t wait to visit one of the camps on our drive out west…
Jodie and Jen says
You can visit the camps??
The Gambrel Family says
I just recently picked Moloka'i based on your recommendation for our book club. I am about half way through right and really really enjoying it! Thanks for the book suggestions!!
Take care!
kh says
I agree! Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford was great. And, if you love Seattle like I do, you'll appreciate it even more. Check it out!
Deanna says
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet is an excellent read about WWII.
kto says
"Beautiful Ruins" by Jess Walter. He jumps back and forth a lot between characters and time periods but I thought it was wonderful!
Susan says
I read mostly non-fiction. Right now I'm reading An American Son, the autobiography by Marco Rubio. It's well written!
Alicia says
i love your book selections…you have gooood taste in reads! i've wanted to read the invisible wall for a while now. thanks for the review 🙂
Holy Craft says
I love to read! I'll be putting a few of your selections on hold at the library for my upcoming reads. Two of my equally favorite reads this year have been The Blogess' book "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" So funny! and Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. So different but both so great. I try to do a monthly reading list on my blog. You should check it out.
Summer says
Thanks for the suggestions!
I can't remember if I recommended Pope Joan before? It is good!
I just read Secret Daughter, which I liked. I also read The Bonesetter's Daughter, and liked it as well.
And another I can't remember if I recommended, but it is Wild Swans. It is amazing!
Katie says
Another vote for Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.
Also the classic novel/memoir on this topic is Farwell to Manzanar.
Chelsie.Swanson says
In high school I read a book called Nisei Daughter by Monica Itoi Sone. It is about the Japanese camps and WWII.
Anonymous says
I highly recommend the book "How to Be An American Housewife" by Margaret Dilloway.
Deidra says
I haven't read When the Emperor Was Divine, but just finished Tallgrass. It's a novel about a Japanese internment camp. It was pretty good.
collecteddust says
Sandra Dallas wrote Tallgrass. I found it to be very interesting from a westerner's point of view.
collecteddust says
Sandra Dallas wrote Tallgrass. I found it to be very interesting from a westerner's point of view.
Kari C. says
Love all of your suggestions! I just finished The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. Set in the Old South during the times of slavery. Very good!
collecteddust says
I had to give up on this one because there were just too many interelated ( is that a word?) people and I couldn't keep up with all of them.
J.J. says
I have several to recommend:
Dinner: A Love Story (a cookbook that I read cover to cover!)
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen
Just Rhonda says
I was going to recommend Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet too! Read it and I really liked it! There is also Tall Grass which is completely different from the Hotel one but also about Japanese War Camps. Both are good!
Vicki says
Ditto on Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet! Great sentimental book!
Tena says
I was going to mention Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet but I see I wasn't the first. It's a good read, but I can't wait to read your suggestion, When the Emperor Was Divine.
oneordinaryday says
Love your rating system. 🙂
I'm not typically a huge sci-fi fan, but I picked up Stephen King's 11/22/63 and was drawn in so much that I hated to get to the end. Great summer read!
Megan B says
I have read 2 of your 3 books this summer too.
I have to recommend Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet as well. Such a great book! And if you're looking for one geared towards kids, try The Bracelet by Yoshiko Uchido. My aunt spent time in the camp when she was a child so I am always interested in reading about this time period.
Ange says
I finally read Eat, Pray, Love. I enjoyed it. I am now reading the Hunger Games and I have the Lovely Bones waiting for me after that. Thanks for the recommendations!
Sandra Farrell says
Obasan, by Joy Kogawa, is a fictional tale of the Japanese internment here in Canada. Although Canada entered WWII as Commonweath Allies, much earlier than the USA, I think our treatment of the Japanese immigrants was very similar during the war.
Jessica Steele says
I devoured the Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld this summer and have already lent the books out to be read by my friends. It is such a good read
Cammee says
I loved Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, too. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand is the opposite view, it shows how horrifying life was for our POW soldiers in Japan. It is a must read and is a testament to the human spirit and will to survive. If you haven't already, read The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom–my all time favorite book. WWII history fascinates me.
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Apr262012 posted by Jodie and Jen 16 Comments
Beneath a Marble Sky
i think this is somewhat of an older book that i borrowed from one of my book swap besties. i had never heard of it before, but i sure did enjoy it. it sucked me right in. it’s a historical fiction book about the building of the Taj Mahal and now that i’ve read it i’d love to actually get to visit the Taj Mahal someday! i give it 4 and 1/2 stars!
Heaven Is Here
by Stephanie Nielson
i loved it. her message of hope, determination and love is such an inspiration to me.
so what have you been reading? anything good?
. . . .
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Alicia says
i love it when you do these posts!! your scientific grading system is just the bee's knees. you totally speak my book language. i wanna read that taj mahal book asap. did i just spell that wrong? i don't feel like scrolling back up there to check. 🙂
thanks for the recommendations.
Jenna says
I love reading these, thanks!
Our Family says
Great titles to pint on my Books on my Reading List page….. thanks for the ideas.
I just finished BLoom by Kelle Hampton, loved it.
Alderberry Hill says
I love these posts too, have read many books by your recommendations!
I just finished the Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman – an amazing book, I give it 5 stars. I am currently reading Rules of Civility by Amor Towles and I am loving it.
Melissa D. says
I loved both of those Lisa See books as well! I always appreciate a good recommendation. Have you read Snowflower and the Secret Fan? I am at new blog follower so you may have listed these already but some of my favorites are: Girl in Translation, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, The Red Tent, and The Lost Wife. A lot, I know, I love a good book though! Thanks for the titles!
Crickit says
I love Shanghai Girls and felt the same about the ending. I now can't wait to read, Dreams of Joy! Thanks again!
Carol says
I'm so glad you loved the marble sky book!!! so good hu! The Red Tent that Melissa D. mentioned is super amazing too! I'm finally reading 1000white women and am enjoying it 😉
Suzanne says
I really enjoyed Heaven is Here.
The Gambrel Family says
I am reading 50 Shades of Grey right now. Oh my!
I also have Bloom on my reading list and I would love to read Heaven is Here and the Happiness Project.
I always love to hear your book recommendations.
I just finished The Bean Tree by Barbara Kingsolver… wonderful!
chereemoore says
I felt the same about Shanghai Girls. I didn't realize there was a sequel. Thanks for the tip! It seems like most of the books I have read lately have been meh.
Patti says
I am currently reading "Still Alice" – it was recommended to me by a fellow blogging friend & is the story of a woman diagnosed with Alzheimers' in her early 50s.
It's very insightful as I related to my aunt who is suffering from this monstrous disease.
Landeelu says
K. I'm putting these on my list of books to read because I trust you with my very LIFE, so why not a book recommendation, right? I read Ok For Now by Gary Schmidt and fell in love. Don't be put off by the weird cover or the age group it was supposedly written for. You'll love it.
Sarah says
Half-way through Heaven is Here. It's wonderful.
I'm in the middle of Heaven is Here and loving it. I am quite impressed with the greate imagery and descriptive words used. I wish I could say I am well read, but I often go to my bookclub and learn about the book then, just to chat with my friends and have treats. I read blogs….speaking of…I subscribed to your email list so I will be coming regularly now b/c my email tells me when you post!
Kim says
I love your book reviews and have read several of them over time….we seem to have similar interests. That being said, I got a kick out of the fact that I am currently reading Dreams of Joy, having just finished Shanghai Girls last week. Always happy when I can read series in a row and not break inbetween.
Anyway, I can highly recommend two books that I just finished reading. One is called One Thousand Women and the other is Moloka'i. I picked both of them up at Target (paperback). I loved them both!
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Jan192012 posted by Jodie and Jen 37 Comments
i’ve read quite a few of Kristin Hannah’s books and i always seem to really enjoy them. i’d say this book (and most of her others) would get 4 1/2 stars. it’s a good easy read that kept me interested and curious through the whole story.
Anonymous says
Thanks for the suggestions! I read the "Wings" series, you should try that one. Once I got a few chapters into it, I didn't want to put it down.
The Gambrel Family says
I love your book suggestions! We read Room and Winter Garden this year in our book club and they were great. I'll have to try some of your top "3" that you listed.
MeenyMoe says
Same Kind of Different as Me and Peony in Love were my top two from last year. I love to read but never seem to have enough time to do it anymore! – Karen
starnes family says
Cutting for Stone and Half a Life.
Cutting for Stone – epic type book of orphaned twins in Ethiopia. Excellent.
Half a Life – sad, but touching story of a 36 year old who, without purpose, hit a classmate on her bike with his car and killed her 18 years ago. Thus, living half a life prior to tragedy. Amazing book.
Loved Room!
Heather says
I read a Kristen Hannah book for the first time last year and LOVED IT! And then I started reading everyone I could get my hands on…have yet to read one I didn't like, although Comfort and Joy was a little too unrealistic for me.
The Book Thief is awesome! It has made it on to my all time favorite book list.
Danielle says
I read a lot of Kristin Hannahs books – she's great. I read Room also. Looks like we have the same taste in books so I am going to checkout a few of your suggestions.
Alicia says
i LOVE when y'all do these posts! i loved sarah's key too. bawled my eyes out, but that's a sign of a good book, right? 🙂 and molokai was a favorite too!
Alicia says
I also loved The Book Thief. My favorites from last year were probably These is My Words, Unbroken(amazing true story!),and The Hunger Games. My sixth grader recommended The Boy in the Striped Pajamas,which was also very good(but sad).
Thank you for the suggestions; I am definitely interested in reading Moloka'i.
Amy says
Thanks for the recommends. I saw the movie Sarah's Key, which I know the movie and the book aren't always the same, but it was AMAZING. My fave three books from last year were: The Autobiography of Santa Claus, The Help, and The Kitchen Boy.
Anonymous says
Alan Brennert also wrote Honolulu, which I highly recommend. The Book Thief is an all time favorite & I just finished The Hunger Games trilogy…they were great!
Julie says
Thank you for the book list. I added quite a few and am looking forward to them!
melissa walker says
I just read a thought-provoking book by the author of The Book Thief. It's called I Am the Messenger. For fans of Marcus Zusak, I recommend it!
Teresa says
Thanks for the reading list- love books.
Happy Day
Sheila says
I LOVED "Room" by Emma Donaghue!
My top books for 2011 were:
1. "Thirteen Reasons Why" by Jay Asher
2. "Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet" by Jamie Ford
3. "The Language of Flowers" by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
4. "Friendship Bread" by Darien Gee
5. "The Art of Racing in the Rain" by Garth Stein
Kari says
My Year with Eleanor was a fantastic read, the author has a great style of writing that made me feel like we were best friends. And, I loved the Hunger Game series.
Ms. Rachel says
Love the book post! Check out a new blog called
The Best Endings… lots of contributors and lots of books!
Wendy says
I've only read room out of the ones you mentioned and I did really like that book!
Top 3 last year…. The Book Thief (like you and so many others), Left to Tell and I'd have to say I really liked Sarah's key as well!
Philly says
I love the book thief, it's such a great book.
My 3 favorites I've read last year;
1. The time traverler's wife
2. Columbine
3. One Day
Joleen says
I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Book Thief!!!!
Jennyfer says
I read Room over the summer and LOVED it, can't wait to check out your other book suggestions. I just finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series.
Fezfactiry says
I picked up Molokai at a dollar book sale at the library a few years ago and devoured it – it is such a strong story and so touching. It will make you want to know more about a period of history that is rarely discussed
Sheila says
Loved ROOM and also, I am not a HUGE fan of Kristin Hannah, but really liked Winter Garden…I also loved the Girl W/ the Dragon Tattoo series, an autobiography of Johnny Cash that I got for Christmas! My daughter made me read all the Eragon books (the last of which just came out) and I loved them!
Can't wait to read the one about the girl who had leprosy…
projectdowhatyoulove says
Okay now I'm going to have to check some of those out! I love a good book! Thanx for sharing!
Wonderful Whittacres says
Loved all of your top 3 so i think I'll try these — by the way, Sarah's Key as a movie is FANTASTIC!!!! You have to rent it.
Andrea R says
Thanks for the suggestions. I got an ereader for the holidays and have been wanting to purchase some thing really good for my first book. My absolutely favorite book that I read was The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.
Jennifer says
What a timely post, I was just going through my book groups reading from last year and picking out my favorites! Cutting for Stone, The Help and Major Pettigrew's Last Stand were at the top. And now we are reading The Book Thief. And I so agree about Moloka'i…loved it.
Leslie says
Room was one of my most favorite books ever!! I read Still Alice recently and really loved it. Totally recommend it. I'll have to check out the other 2 books. Thanks!
Reb says
Wow, we must be connected on some cosmic scale, those are some of my favorite books of all time too. I hope I get a chance to site down and read these is my words again! Maybe when I am 60.
Julie Cade says
Thanks for posting about books. What could be better?!!! Some of your choices are on my reading list. My favs from this past year include: 1. The Killer Angels, 2. Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons (do not judge a book by its title!)and 3. My Name is Mary Sutter. Right now I am reading The Eighty Dollar Champion, Little Bee and Flower Net.
mightysweetmama says
I think I am the only person on the planet who did not like Room. I was so depressed afterwards. Last year I read and loved the ever so trendy "The Help;" it was just delicious! And, being pregnant and in an emotional wreck state, I tapped back into abother trendy classic, The Purpose Driven Life (ya' know, just to make sure I am "ok" and should be having a third child.) Other than that I just finished reading three books for Elle Magazine:
By the Iowa Sea (Joe Blair)
Some Assembly Required (Anne and Sam Lamott)
Making Babies (Ann Enright)
I share a breif blip on my blog, but suffice it to say, read them and Enjoy Yourself! Each is briliant!
(and…Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons and The Bok Theif are awesome!
mightysweetmama says
I think I am the only person on the planet who did not like Room. I was so depressed afterwards. Last year I read and loved the ever so trendy "The Help;" it was just delicious! And, being pregnant and in an emotional wreck state, I tapped back into abother trendy classic, The Purpose Driven Life (ya' know, just to make sure I am "ok" and should be having a third child.) Other than that I just finished reading three books for Elle Magazine:
By the Iowa Sea (Joe Blair)
Some Assembly Required (Anne and Sam Lamott)
Making Babies (Ann Enright)
I share a breif blip on my blog, but suffice it to say, read them and Enjoy Yourself! Each is briliant!
(and…Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons and The Bok Theif are awesome!
Linda Davidson says
I enjoy reading a good book, and am always looking for advice on what to read next. Two books I read recently that I enjoyed were: "Dreams of Joy" by Lisa See – A book set in communist China, and "Fringology" by Steve Volk – A fun read about ghosts, near death experiences, UFOs, and the power of meditation and prayer.
smithfamilymoments says
Just got done reading These is my Words, and I was so sad when it was over. I LOOOOVED this book and wanted more. I thought it kind of had a slow start but the rest of the book made up for it. Great suggestions. Thank you!!
Christene {Retreat Sponsor for Write Your Book in a Weekend Retreat} says
I just love new book ideas, and you're right, January is the best month for reading! Cold + quiet + book = bliss!
Courtney says
ooh, I just found your blog – a link somewhere to a kid's art project I loved and went back a few posts. So glad you do book reviews occasionally, I feel like I'm always needing something new to read. My faves of last year were #1 Ken Follett's The Fall of Giants (stalking Amazon daily for the sequel – that amazing), #2 The Post Mistress, #3 Born to Run.
Barb says
Just started reading Kristen Hannah and now I get to meet her next week at a book signing. Can't wait.
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Jul212011 posted by Jodie and Jen 40 Comments
Summer says
I didn't know about Dreams of Joy! I'll have to look that up. Snow Flower is still one of my all time fave books (want to see the movie badly!)
I just read Pope Joan. I loved it! Great historical fiction about a controversial time in Rome's history.
Also read The Hangman's Daughter. Not up there with some of my faves, but still interesting. Also some historical fiction elements.
Laura says
I am so very glad that you reviewed these books. I just started reading The Book Thief. It has been on my "to-read" list for a year! So sad. I also have the book Those Who Save Us but haven't found a good time to read it. I like your reviews because they don't give away the plot of the book. I don't often read reviews because I want to be surprised by the book. Your reviews were great! Thanks. I am going to get off the internet now and go read those books!
Maria says
I'm always looking for a new book to read! Thanks for sharing. I just started Comfort Food. It's good so far!
Michelle says
I'm waiting for Jaycee Dugar's book to arrive. I think it's called The Stolen Life. I'm excited to read it.
I, too, am currently in the midst of "The Book Thief."
My favorite read this summer has been "Remembering Isaac." It is just a good book. Someone recommended it to me and as soon as I finished I hurried to get the sequels (its a trilogy). It isn't full of action and adventure, but your soul is fed with wisdom of the ages. You'll wish that you could live with the characters before you're even half way through the first book. 🙂
Tony and Whitney says
You need to read The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio: How My Mother Raised 10 Children on 25 Words or Less. It's amazing! If you liked Hunger Games, there's a couple of new series: Matched is the first one and the sequel comes out in November. There's also The Maze Runner and Scorch Trials. I'm reading Maze Runner now, and it's creepy. I also loved Chains and the sequel Forge. Great reads!
Crickit says
Thank you for the book list! I just read Shanghai Girls and loved it. I am glad to hear that there is a sequel. I thought that there might be by the ending! I look forward to your next list!!
Susan Crabtree says
Just Rhonda says
Book Thief is on my list to read!! I just finished TallGrass and it was pretty good.
ME says
I too gave The Book Thief 5 stars!!! I loved it. I recently read "Same Kind of Different as Me". Also worthy of 5 stars!
songskatesang says
I am almost finished with These Is My words. I love it!
Jensamom23 says
Thanks…am always on the lookout for a good book. I just ordered samples on my Kindle for these.
Jensamom23 says
Thanks…am always on the lookout for a good book. I just ordered samples on my Kindle for these.
Bonnie says
Hi – your first and third are on my to-read list. Can't wait!
Would you consider linking up with our "What We're Reading" linky party?!
M.O.T.B says
Thank you for the reviews! I always appreciate good recommendations!!!
Suzanne says
I have heard of Book Thief and should add it to my list. Actually, all three of these books sound very interesting. I really appreciate the suggestions.
Becky says
The first two you reviewed are in my "stack" right now…so I can't wait to read them since you said they are so good.
I love, love, love Lisa See too. Go read Dreams of Joy. It is a fantastic finish to Shanghai Girls!
chereemoore says
I really enjoyed The Book Thief and have added Those Who Save Us to my TBR list. Currently reading Moby Dick as a follow up to Ahab's Wife – one I would definitely recommend, though it is long.
I loved those who save us… I just red the book Room. I think this may be a 5 star book. it was amazing
Alicia says
have not read ANY of these. thanks for the suggestions. i am reading jane eyre. have never read it before and i'm loving it! classic book!
Krista says
I adored The Book Thief. It took me a couple of months to not keep going back to re-read sections of it while in the midst of other books!
I recently finished The Kitchen House. Pretty good historical fiction. I'm currently reading Major Pettigrew's Last Stand. It's a fun and quirky British character. My book club is reading The Lost Girls. I have yet to receive my copy from Amazon, but have high hopes!
Happy reading!
melanie33 says
I so love your book reviews!
I loved the book thief, and I loved the author's other book, I am the Messenger.
We seem to have the same taste in books, so I love seeing ones I haven't read on your list!
I just finished Girl in Translation and Saving CeeCee Honeycutt and loved them both! I am reading Those Who Save Us now, and next up is The Soldier's wife; I have heard a lot of talk about this one lately.
lilmissmarlee says
Must read "Sarah's Key" , "Secret Daughter" , & "Pictures of You". Now that Ii have an I Pad, I read all the time!! 14 books since Christmas!!!
I'm always looking for new books! Thanks. I just finished Water for Elephants. I thought it was very interesting.
Becky Rose says
try cold sassy tree- even better listen to it on CD. Also a great book: The Thirteenth Tale
Wendy says
LOVED The Book Thief! Fabulous book!
I just finished reading "The Glass Castle", thought it was a great book and would recommend it. Just started reading "Same kind of different as me." So far it's interesting, but I'm only on page 34.
Debbie says
If you like reading about the Holocaust then Sarah's Key is good. It is about the round-up of Jews in Paris. I enjoyed it because the story is told through two different eyes. Also, there is a movie version of it coming out in the near future.
Anonymous says
just finished "One Summer" by David Baldacci — enjoyed!
Sandy in VA
Anonymous says
The Glass Castle is amazing! I have just started Room and will put The Book Thief on my list.
Sharon says
I also have read many books about the Holocaust. I just finished a book called "Jeshurun" by Marlena Ariel Geren. Even though this book is fiction, you will get an up-dated history lesson on what is happening with Israel and the Middle East today.
Joleen says
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Book Thief!!
3sons4fun says
From seeing your book list, you'd love Kabul Beauty School. It's a wonderful story of an American starting a school for hair/nails in Afghanistan where you learn how women are treated before and after the Taliban. It's really good!
Jen Tapler says
I also loved Those Who Save Us and Shanghai Girls (haven't started Dreams of Joy yet) and was a big Snow Flower fan (the movie released here in Hawaii last week, although it looks quite different from the book so I'm not sure about it). I just finished Cutting for Stone and it was FANTASTIC – highly recommend it. I'd also recommend Moloka'i by Alan Brennert, which is one of my all-time faves and one not many people have read (I'm live in Hawaii so it hits close to home for me).
Krista says
It is so wonderful when others have the same reaction to a book that you do. The Book Thief is an amazing book, but one that truly makes you cry. I think I too cried continually through the end of the book and my husband kept asking if I was all right and I kept waving him off so I could finish.
Maggie says
Ihave read most of The Book Theif have Shanghai girls in my to read basket/list 🙂
Anonymous says
I love that The Book Thief got your 5 stars! I loved it too. I read it for a book club a few years ago and couldn't remember the name of it. Thanks for the reminder! I think of it each time I stand over one of my kids' beds and watch them sleep… "Ever since I can remember, I see someone standing over me…"
Jennifer says
I love your reviews! Between your suggestions and the suggestions in the comments, I have a whole new list of books "pinned" to my reading list!
Anonymous says
Have Book Thief on my to-read list. Recently read Sara's Key, as well as 2 other holocaust centered novels- Someone Named Eva & Number the Stars. The last 2 are YA novels, but wonderfully written. Eva looks at the children – blond,light eyed, etc- who were kidnapped, "schooled", & adopted into Nazi families to help ensure the future of a perfect Aryan nation. Stars is about a Dutch family who take in the neighbor girl (Jewish) and help her escape.
I loved that all three novels looked at different aspects of the war. Another novel to look into is Farewell to Manzanar, written about the Japanese internment camps, here in the US. Such a devastating and fascinating era to read about.
Mrs. Hobbie says
Another book about the Holocaust that I thought was wonderful was The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It will haunt me forever, though. It is a YA book. There is also a movie. Of course, the book is better.
Amy says
When I read the last 20 pages of "The Book Thief" my (then) husband had to pull the car over I was crying so hard! I adored that book. I've loaned it to everyone I know.
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May262011 posted by Jodie and Jen 46 Comments
Just Rhonda says
Book thief and Unbroken are next on my list!! Right now I'm reading the Help and it is soooo good!
Anonymous says
The Book Thief is one of my all time favorite books! That one does not leave my shelf. I will be interested to see what you think of Those Who Save Us. I didn't love it.
Christie says
I loved the message at the end of Unbroken. It was like sweet honey.
so my system involves checking the book out of the library. once i read it, and only after i've read it, do i decide if a book is "ownworthy." the book thief was worthy of being added to my collection. those who save us i loved, too, and the lisa see book was also good. nice reading list!
kathee says
The Book Thief is incredibly moving. One of my favorite books of all time. I'm putting Unbroken on hold at the library today, thanks for the recommendation!! I just got Sarah's Key yesterday after having had it on hold forever, and am prepared to cry, as per your warning!
Katie says
The Book Thief is a very good book. However, since you are a team of sisters, you will LOVE Shanghai Girls. I'm the oldest sister in my family and I'm betting my little sister would get something totally different out of it. It really makes you think about perspective. You ALL need to read it. So good. I reviewed it on my blog: http://marthahasminions.blogspot.com/2011/01/shanghai-girls-by-lisa-see.html
Katie says
I love your book reviews. Through the years, I have read all the books on your list. I read The Book Thief a couple of years ago and it is one of my favorites. I have picked up a couple of your suggestions, so please keep giving us ideas. I am always looking for a good book. Trying Those Who Save Us next. Thanks!
The Gambrel Family says
Love the book suggestions!
Our book club is reading Wednesday Letters by Jason Wright and it is good but I'm thinking it might get sad…
Charity Donovan says
I LOVED Unbroken! I totally understand what you mean about being bogged down with too much info at times, but the last half of the book is simply AMAZING! It will haunt me forever. Such an amazing man! Every time I start to think my life with quadruplets plus a singleton is hard, I instantly think of Louie & realize how very blessed a life I lead.
Charity Donovan says
BTW, love your book reviews! Please keep them coming! =)
Tony and Whitney says
Book Thief is a piece of literary art. It is absolutely beautiful. One of the best I've ever read. I have not read Shanghi Girls, but I read two other Lisa See books and I loved them.
You should get on goodreads.
chinamommy says
I loved Shanghai Girls, but my daughter was born in China so I tend to love all things Asian :). I've got to go get The Book Thief now that I see how everyone seems to love it. I'm reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo right now and can hardly put it down!
Toni says
Oh the book theif was sooo good! Thanks for posting this, I love to see whats new in book world!
DeAnna says
Louis Zamperini was a guest at our church on Easter Sunday. He spoke for a few minutes and the joy that man has is unbelievable. One of his biggest regrets in life is that he didn't graduate from College so our Pastor was able to work out all the details with Azusa Pacific in Southern California where they bestowed a Honorary Degree to Mr. Zamperini. It was the most moving moment I could have been apart of. Tears were flowing as this man, who has been through hell and back received such a simple honor. I am so glad you mentioned this book. More people need to read about his sacrifice!!
missbossypants says
Shanghai Girls is an excellent book. I'm on a WWII book kick lately, and it was a great addition to it, and wasn't the regular European view that I had been reading. It was great, you'll enjoy it!
s a n s k u :) says
i found shanghai girls was brutal and not very inspiring. others seem to like it though.
you picked my curiosity and i'll have to read unbroken now.
i wish books would have ratings too. i've bought so many books that i thought were good but ended up having ton of garbage in them. like "eat, pray, love". too much "info" in that book that i didn't need to know. yuck. too bad so many good books are ruined by too much yuckiness in them.
Becky says
I can't wait to hear what you think of Those Who Saved Us. It is currently sitting on my desk, but other books keep taking priority.
Valerie says
The Book Thief is one of my all time favorite books! Can't wait to see your review of it. So moving and amazing! Thanks for doing book ratings and reviews. I've always wish that someone would do it!
Jessica Ozburn says
I actually just finished Unbroken on Sunday and I think I would have to give it 5 stars. I loved the way the author gave the information in the book. She could put so much information in such an interesting and "uncluttered" way (I thought). I think the book would have been lacking without the background and you don't want to make the book too long. It was an amazing book!! Makes you so appreciate the sacrifices of all our soldiers, yesterday and today! THanks for the review!
Darcie says
Wow. I read the Book Thief a couple of years ago, and had forgotten the title of it, but recently was remembering the story. Thanks for the reminder of the title! (it was a borrowed book) I loved it. Hope you do too!
Michelle says
Loved The Book Thief!
Andy says
read the book theif
it was good
chris jenkins says
Unbroken and The Book Thief were both 5 star books for me. Loved them both. Currently my book clubs are reading Pope Joan and A Thousand Splendid Suns. Both excellent. I also liked Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet and Cutting for Stone. Thanks for the recommendations, I have them both on my goodreads list. Hope to get to them this summer!
Image Envy says
LOVED LOVED LOVED Book Theif. Its kind of slow, but I was constantly wondering what would happen next. LOVE the perspective its written in and everything. Hope you enjoy it too!
Image Envy says
LOVED LOVED LOVED Book Theif. Its kind of slow, but I was constantly wondering what would happen next. LOVE the perspective its written in and everything. Hope you enjoy it too!
JenW says
the book thief and shanghai girls are both very good reads! i think you will like them, i loved them both!
Thanks for the review, you have inspired me to buy this book now. (Unbroken)
Veronica says
Let me echo the wonderful comments about The Book Thief. It is very well crafted and a great read! Definitely one of my favorite books of all time.
Liz says
Book Thief and Those Who Save Us are both fantastic reads! I just finished The Art of Racing in the Rain and it was also great!
One Thousand White Women was an interesting story…but it was just so doggone depressing!
Cathyk says
I love that you comment on what you have read recently. VERY cool…I enjoyed Shanghi girls, I just read in the Costco connection that there is a continuation of the story just out this month…this week I think. I am looking forward to reading this one.
starnes family says
Absolutely LOVED Unbroken. Such a fantastic story.
Maggie says
I read half of the book theirf, realy liked it, but my library wanted it back. Shanghai girls is in my to-read basket!!
Jennifer says
The Book Thief is an amazing book…very well written and captivating 🙂
I love these reviews:). I loved doing a book post on my blog as well before because there was a great response! I'll have to check out Unbroken! The Book Thief is one of my favorite books. Loved it. I just finished The Chosen and really loved that as well!
Karen P says
The book thief is wonderful and I really enjoyed those who save us; an interesting read and very thought provoking
Heather says
The Book Theif is incredible. It is one of those books that I don't think I would have found on my own, but my book club read it and I was so glad I did. The point of view is unusal and WWII books all seem to be about Jews, Nazis or soldiers — this one is just about poor Germans, who are none of the above and just happen to be in the way — very interesting storyline. It is long, but stick with it — you will be glad you did.
Meg says
Thanks for the Unbroken review. Even though I loved Seabiscuit, I thought this might be too much of a "boy" book. On your recommendation, I downloaded the preview chapter last night and started reading it–uh, yeah, it was not very long before I bought the whole she-bang!
I hope you enjoy the Book Thief. I loved it.
May I recommend Attachments by Rainbow Rowell? Perfect palette cleanser after the Book Thief.
Amy Jones says
I've been waiting to hear your review on One Thousand White Women. I wanted so much to love it…and just couldn't. I felt about the same as you.
The Book Thief is on my top 10 of all time. LOVED it!
Mama Bird says
oh, the book theif is on my list as well! can't wait
suitecheeks says
the book thief is an amazing book. it started off a little slow for me, but picked up quickly. i absolutely loved it.
Amy says
The Book Thief is one of my all time fav books! You will love it! I didn;t love the Lisa See book. You should join goodreads! One of my fav sites to get ideas and see my friends recommendations. You can friend me! Amy Brown
Amy in Cali
bythebrookdesigns says
I read those who save us in 24 hrs. I finished it last night. Fantastic, thought provoking, positive read. Definately a 5 star to me.
I didn't like shanghai girls, it was a good read, but not alot of hope in the book, but well written.
I read a little bit of a 1000 white women and didn't finish it.
I came to your blog for crafts, but the book review is my favorite.
Ally says
Shanghai Girls is SOOO amazing. You will love it!
Peta says
The Book Thief – 5 stars.
Krista says
I think The Book Thief may be your first 5 star review! I LOVED it!
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Apr142011 posted by Jodie and Jen 31 Comments
Paris, May 2002: On Vel’ d’Hiv’s 60th anniversary, journalist Julia Jarmond is asked to write an article about this black day in France’s past. Through her contemporary investigation, she stumbles onto a trail of long-hidden family secrets that connect her to Sarah. Julia finds herself compelled to retrace the girl’s ordeal, from that terrible term in the Vel d’Hiv’, to the camps, and beyond. As she probes into Sarah’s past, she begins to question her own place in France, and to reevaluate her marriage and her life.
brainella says
You are so right about Sarah's Key. I think you and I have the same reading list. I am currently reading Atlas Shrugged but both of the other books are in my TBR pile. 🙂
Katie Rose says
"Unbroken" is on my To Read list as well. I have heard how good it fromn many sources…I think it will make a great beach/pool book for the summer!
If you haven't already read Suzanne Collin's "The Hunger Games" 3 book series you should. It is technically Young Adult and many libraries classify it as Sci-Fi…but ANYONE could get into these books! They're a quick read and definitely page-turners!
If Toys Could Talk says
I, too, read Sarah's Key. It was heartwrenching, but I couldn't put it down.
Oh, I've been looking for an awesome book to read! I'm gonna check these out…Sarah's Key looks fascinating!
My all-time favorite…Devil in the White City…;)
DebbiH says
Thank you for the Sarah Prine recommendations! I got all three books from my library to loan to my mother, a 95-year-old voracious reader, and she LOVED them!
Holly says
Thank you so much for sharing your book recommendations. I LOVED These Is My Words…I'll have to check out the other two.
Nathalie says
I always enjoy checking out your "Just Off the Bookshelf" posts and take your recommendations very seriously 🙂 I just finished reading "The Shadow of the Wind" and it is another really good read that I recommend to anybody who loves book… I won't say anymore 😉
I had forgotten about it because I read it long ago but I LOVED 1000 White Women!!!
The Gambrel Family says
I might have to read Sarah's Key, I typically don't like sad books but I'm always up for a great read!
I just finished Water for Elephants and Heaven is For Real and loved, loved them both!
Sourkraut says
Oh no! I *hated* "One Thousand White Women" with a passion, as did everyone else in my book club. Not that I expect you to change your mind about reading it based on that. If anything, when people say that sort of thing to me I only get more curious to read it for myself and see what I think. Let us know what you think of it when you're done.
Kristi Hazelrigg says
I'm an elementary school Library Media Specialist, and I love your book rating system. Sounds just like me.
I was sent here by a friend who gave me a "One of my favorite Peeps" Easter gift and told me where she found the graphic. So cute!
Woohoo! Ideas for my summer reading list! Thanks!
Love your rating system. Quite spot on. (Except since most of my books come from the library, I can't turn around and donate them to a thrift store!)
gsvee says
I loved 1000 White Women! Plus, my mom grew up in the area that it covers and it was so fun to know where they were talking about. It reminded me of Wicked – an imagined retelling of what could have happened but from the other point of view.
ME says
I love your taste in reading! I also have "One Thousand White Women" on my reading list. I just finished "Same Kind of Different As Me". It is a must read! I loved it! It moved up to one of my most favorite books. Love your blog. Keep up the good work!
s a n s k u :) says
Kathryn Stockett's "Help" was an awesome book!
Dixie Mom says
Of those, I've only read Sarah's Key…it broke my heart! But gave me much perspective on the suffering of war.
I haven't read the others but thanks for the reviews!
Just Rhonda says
oooh i just added them all to my goodreads "to read" list!! Thanks!
Jocelyn says
I've read These is My Words, but I heard that the 2nd one was just really depressing. I'm going to read it, but I've been putting it off. I put Sarah's Key on my To Read list. I don't think I've heard of it. I'm in such a reading slump right now. I just can't find the time. I'm supposed to be reading Devil in the White City for book club, but I'm only a few pages in.
Jocelyn says
Oh, and I know everyone and their dog has already read it, but if you haven't read The Help, you MUST! It has one very brief why-did-they-put-that-in-there scene and mild language, but in spite of that, you won't be able to put it down!
Luke and Katie says
I agree, The Help, is awesome! Also, try reading Second Kiss by Natalie Palmer. It's really good and clean~ imagine that! 🙂
Laura says
I wrote all these books down on my "To Read" list. I will have to download them to my reader soon. I just got done reading "The Hunger Games" series by Suzanne Collins. They are so good. Its a really awesome series.
me says
Thank you for all the great suggestions! I just went and put them all on hold at the Library! Can't wait to get my hands on them!
Leslie says
After your recommendation of "These Is My Words" I hurry and purchased all three books on Amazon and, like you, was so sad when I finished "The Star Garden." I didn't want my journey w/Sarah and her family to be over!!!!
I'm excited to read Sarah's Key!
Lei says
Oh I love recommendations too! Thanks for sharing yours. 🙂
Allison says
Unbroken – AWEmazing!
Flipfloppingmamma says
Just finished Unbroken and it was really good. The other one I wish I could have that week back. blah!!
Jennie says
Loved Sarah's Key and The Help is wonderful as well. I would be interested to hear what you think of it if you read it. Growing up and living in the South, it had a familiar feel but to someone who is not from here, the story and life of the characters might seem unusual. Anyway, a great summer read! And they are making it a movie!
La Belle Vie says
I am also a huge fan of "Sarah's Key." Just returned from Paris last Friday and went near the spot where they held those poor people. There is a plague in the Eiffel Tower Metro Station to remember the event and the victims. The book is such a page-turner that I couldn't hardly put it down! Next on my list: "These is My Words…."
Mandy says
Thanks for the book recommendations! I always appreciate them and laugh because half I have either read or have marked "to read" so I am always excited for the others that you are introducing me to!
n the last month I read Mrs. Mike (from a recommendation on another blog) and absolutely LOVED IT! Apparently it has been around a long time, but I had never heard of it.
I also read Half Broke Horses, which is by the same author as The Glass Castle (which was great) and I loved it. Her grandma was one amazing lady
A Girl Named Zippy was book club this month and it made me literally laugh-out-loud. It also made me wish I grew up in Mooreland, Indiana. Is that weird? Probably.
Happy Reading!
M and E says
We just read The Devil in the White City for bookclub–we actually just had our meeting last night! I thought it was the best book we've read in the past year. It's all about the Chicago World's Fair of 1893 and America's first serial killer, who lived right down the street from the fair! It is nonfiction, but the author made it a real page-turner. I seriously couldn't put it down! Almost every page made me say, "How did I not know this already?!"
Scott and Lindsey says
I just finished Unbroken and it was an incredible read!! It made me want to go out and do something amazing:)
Lanell says
I just finished Unbroken, and loved it. Hard to read sometimes and I would put it down, but minutes later, I would pick it up and read some more. Unbelievable. I would love to meet Louis.
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Mar32011 posted by Jodie and Jen 37 Comments
i also read the second book in the series…
SO…. have you read them??
i want to hear your opinion about them!
and next on the reading list for me is:
The Star Garden
by Nancy E. Turner
(the third and final book)
Sarah’s Key
by Tatiana de Rosnay
(a lot of you recommended this book. i’m excited to read it!)
Wow! Now I really want to read these too!
Tony and Whitney says
I so love those books! Sarah's Key is on my list as well. But almost nothing matches up to These is My Words. I didn't like the sequels quite as much, but I did still like them. How can you not love Sarah Agnes Prine?
Also, are you on goodreads? It's a fab website for logging and rating books. You can also see what other people have read. I love it.
Summer says
Sarah's Key is so sad! But a great look at history that's been overlooked.
One Thousand White Women is another great, western book in a journal like format like These Is My Words. I really enjoyed it.
I'm also reading the third book in the Princess trilogy. The first book is called Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia. There are two books after that. Great reads!
Kenna says
I LOVE These Is My Words! Such a great strong female character. I'll have to pick up the sequels, too. I have Sarah's Key sitting on my nightstand as well!
Alicia says
i've never read either of these, but they both look great! i LOVED sarah's key, but get ready for a heart wrencher!!
I just read both of these the last couple weeks. I had read These is my Words before, but read them both this time and LOVED the first again, and just liked the second, but still good:).
Laura says
I just added all these books to my "Need to Read" list! They all sound so good. Thanks!
Nikki says
I needed knew books to download to my kindle. Thank you!
The Artisan Mama says
Loved These is My Words. Will have to read Sarah's quilt soon.
Becky says
I finished These is My Words two days ago. I loved it too! It was a good read. I was just thinking this morning, "Man, I hope she does another book review soon, I need something to read!" So, thanks.
{natalie} says
i enjoyed These is My Words. I haven't read the sequel yet. I really liked Sarah's Key. I just bought a couple b/c I had to give back the one I borrowed. Right now I'm reading Cutting for Stone and it's really good so far.
Margo says
I am such a reader, that was what my last post on my blog was about too. I am going to add these two books to my to read pile.
I am also on goodreads and love that site.
Melissa says
I am a fellow Sarah Agnes Prine lover. It's not very often that I even hear these books mentioned, so I was so excited to see your post! I recommend These is My Words whenever someone asks what she should read. 🙂
I enjoyed Sarah's Key as well, though it was so heartbreaking.
bythebrookdesigns says
I love your blog just for the craftiness, but the book monthly suggestions has become my new fave. Thanks for the info and I'm already reading it on my kindle and it's awesome.
michelle l says
these is my words is a great book and thanks for telling me about the sequel! can't wait to read it!
Marlene says
Sarah's Key was really good. I would also recommend Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and The Pianist by Wladyslaw Szpilman.
house of 7 says
i loved sarah's key. as stated above, it's VERY sad. i had wet red eyes the entire read. (but it was excellent! i hope you like it.)
SarahinSalem says
Thanks SO much for your book recommendations! I have enjoyed the books you recommended earlier and will definitely check these out. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Christal says
Love both of these books so good! Read them a few years ago! So good!
Connie says
I read These Is My Words a few years ago in my book club. By far the best book I have read in book club, if not my all time favorite. I would like to read the next two.
bermudabluez says
I haven't yet heard of them…but will have to check them out! You made them sound very good!!
Jen says
Sarah's Key will leave you sobbing… def. not one for a BB game.
I just finished "My enemy's Cradle" another great book. I second the goodreads suggestion- great site!
Jedda says
I have read all 3 of this series and loved stepping into her life. It's so refreshing to read of a woman of courage, integrity and real character. It helps you appreciate your blessings too! I just finished reading, Half the Sky. It won the Pulitzer. It's the kind of book that will change your life. But it's probably not one to read at the BB game either 😉
Jayna Rae says
Both sound sooo interesting. Are they true life based fiction or pure fiction. Just curious.
Kelli says
The Star Garden is the best of the 3 books. Loved them all.
Sarah's Key is OK. kinda sad. Don't read at BB.
Your blog is just THE BEST! Thank you for all of the fantastic inspiration — L.O.V.E. it!
Libby says
Everyone I know has read "These Is My Words"….and they all loved it! I keep forgetting to pick that one up. Thanks for reminding me.
A word of advice…add to your list the book "Matched" by Ally Condie.
kathee says
"These Is My Words" is one of my very favorites, didn't enjoy the sequels AS much, but still like them quite a bit. Going to put "Sarah's Key" on hold at the library right now!!
oneordinaryday says
I also enjoyed them and passed them on to my mom and grandma. Who doesn't love a western? 🙂
I agree on the recommendation of One Thousand White Women too.
Emily Kate says
Loved These is My Words, one of my top 10 favorite books ever. I haven't read Sarah's Quilt but I should.
I didn't love Sarah's Key. The story really disturbed me!
Kristine says
Thanks for all the recommendations. I just finished "Unbroken" by Laura Hillenbrand. It was amazing and I wish every American could read it. It gave me an appreciation for our freedom unlike anything else. Highly encouraged. Also loved "Chasing Fireflies" by Charles Martin.
chereemoore says
Great review of These is my Words – it is one of all-time favorites. Also, thank you for the review of Sarah's Quilt – I have added it to my list.
I am currently reading Sarah's Key and just finished The Happiness Project and Same Kind of Different as Me.
scarves says
Titanium Necklaces Titanium Necklaces
Today is March 8, women wish the whole world happy holidays, always beautiful!
besides,thanks for your sharing!
Jeni says
It was an amazing book. I can't imagine living during that time and how hard…makes me think twice when I am whining. But I like to think I have some of Sarah in me.
Can't wait to see what Easter ideas you have up your sleeves…I was a hit last year with those PEEPS…thanks for sharing!
Katie says
I bought the book this past weekend. It is GREAT! Thanks for the recommendation. The first night I started reading I was up until 2 in the morning! Made the next morning a little difficult but i just couldn't seem to fidn a good stopping place.
A lot of my friends have read Sarah's Key and I just don't think I can do it. My mom said it was really, really sad. I don't mind crying so much as long as I get to laugh a little too.
I put up book reviews on my blog too (I don't have your fancy schmancy rating system though :)).
I loved These Is My Words also. I liked Sarah's Key but didn't particularly find the modern day characters to be memorable or have that many redeemable characteristics.
chereemoore says
Rob&Michelle – I just finished Sarah's Key and felt the same about the modern-day characters.
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Feb32011 posted by Jodie and Jen 41 Comments
Rachael says
I've read all of these books (except Sarah's Quilt, but I need to read it). I really liked all of them, but "These is My Words" is my favorite! Such a good book. Give it about 50 pages (b/c it's a little sad at the beginning)and then you'll be hooked.
I'll have to check out Forgotten Garden. I loved The Help and the Hunger Games trilogy. I liked the The Guernsey book but not as much as the other ones mentioned.
This is great! I'm going to look for Sarah's Quilt as well and These is My Words. I love getting book recommendations for my book club.
I'm reading The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo right now.
Tracy says
I need to chime in. I just read The Weird Sisters on my Kindle. It is a brand new book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am going with 4+++ stars.
Amber Maddux says
Man I wish I had the desire to read!!!!! I can count on both hands how many books i've read my entire life. The sad thing is – everyone else in my family is such great readers. What happened to me?????
I do tend to lean towards more Non-Fictional so if you have any suggestions, please do not hesitate to let me know!
Pink Princess says
I have JUST ordered this book from my library 🙂 THANKS so much for the heads up. The Help is also on order for me….can't wait 🙂
Summer says
Can't wait to hear how you like These Is My Words! I loved it, and Sarah's Quilt, but These Is My Words is definitely better.
I just finished reading Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia. It was really good! There are two other books in the trilogy that I just put on hold at the library.
Happy Reading!
Katie Johnson says
I loved Guernsey!! So god! You should definitely read Room. I couldn't put it down. The story is so unbelievable. Also, I just finised a book called Favorite. It's not terribly long, but it's a big story, so it moves relly fast. I'm looking forward to some new reads!! Thanks.
Houseful of Handmade says
I LOVED the Guernsey Literary Society book. Excellent read. Never heard of The Forgotten Garden, but I need a new book to read, I may have to check it out.
Tony and Whitney says
LOVED all of the books you have coming up! I can't wait to hear your thoughts. There's actually a third book in the These is My Words as well. Make sure you read it too. Agreed that you need to give it about 30 pages. Then I LOVED it!
Anonymous says
You are going to love the Gurnsey books. It is sooooo good!!
Erin says
Ooh, I haven't read the Forgotten Garden yet. It sounds great. I LOVED the Guernsey …. Pie book.
I have a new book blog that I just started, if you're looking for other recommendations:
Becky says
Thanks for the recommendations. I have added both of these to my "plan to read" list.
Love your rating system. I loved The Forgotten Garden also and am currently reading The House at Riverton by the same author. Guernsey was another favorite.
cherie says
I LOVE my sister!! She told me to check out your blog, and WOW!! LOVE IT! Thanks for taking the time to share your talents with those of us that love to craft and create and need inspiration:) You are AMAZING! You are my new blog bff:D
Me says
Read them all…! So good! Try, The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, Sarah's Key (cry, cry, cry) and A Thread of Grace. Love your blog by the way, you're my #1 next to NieNie 🙂
Mikal says
Ohhhh, I just bought Sarah's Key. I am only about 6 pages in, but I heard it's so good! I love a good cry! I am reading Blind Your Ponies right now. I bought it for my husband, but I stole it back. LOL! It is an interesting read…tragedy, inspiration, and the enduring human spirit.
Jennifer says
The Gurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Society was SO GOOD! Such a page-turner!
Thanks for the suggested books. I am going to read them. I need something to read right now, since it is so cold here in Utah and it seems we are all housebound. Thanks for the great blog you have, I love it. Hugs, Karie
Shelly says
The Forgotten Garden is AMAZING, as well as the Gurensey book (have read it twice more since my bookclub read it a few years ago) and Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie is also a very enjoyable light read after the previous two that are deeper and more invovled.
Thanks for the new suggestions!
Jeanene says
Please don't forget the third book in Nancy Turner's series. It is called "The Star Garden." It is really well done. Of course, "These Is My Words" is the best out of all three. And, I have to give a big "AMEN" to "Guernsey". LOVED IT! I think I can trust your rating system because you like the same books that I do (insert smiley face).
Joanne says
I just swapped for The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, can't wait. I love getting ideas for my next book-a-thon (all night reading snuggled in my most comfy pj's). Thanks for sharing!
{autie} says
loved Guernsey! Get excited for These is my words and Sarahs quilt…and there's a third book, as wel… They are in my top 5 books…loved them. You sound like my kind of girl, I'll have to give your first book a try! thanks!
Nathalie says
Love your recommendations! I just picked up the Guernsey book today after reading about it here 🙂
Melissa Charmaine says
I love that you are doing these recomendations! Can I use your scientific method for myself as well please?? It's such a clever way to look at the quality of the content.
Jenna says
I LOVED These is My Words! And thanks for your reviews, I'm definitely going to read those books soon!
chereemoore says
I've added the Forgotten Garden to my list. Can't wait to hear what you think about These is My Words – it's one of my all-time favorites 🙂
Shaela says
this is great! I've been dying for a few new books so I'm going down to the library tomorrow to see if any of them are available 🙂
songskatesang says
Oh my goodness! Great timing. I am about to finish The Help and I LOVED the House at Riverton by Kate Morton, so I know what my next book will be!
Tracy says
My book club has read The Help and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, and L-O-V-E-D both! Great choices!
Elizabeth says
I agree with my sister up above, Rachael 🙂 I recommended The Forgotten Garden to her, and I actually liked it a lot. I absolutely love These is my Words. I've read it twice and I love it. Another series that is SUPER good and very easy reads (I think I read all 5 books in about 1 1/2 weeks) is Abram's Daughters by Beverly Lewis. It's about an Amish family….and everyone I've recommended them to loves them.
Lindsey says
I am actually jealous that you will be reading These is My Words by Nancy Turner. There is nothing like reading it for the first time. It is my FAVORITE book! (and I read a lot). I have re-read it several times.
After the first time that I read These Is My Words, I felt a serious loss. I missed the characters and the ficticious world that had encaptured me. I was so happy to learn that there were not one, but two sequels to this wonderful book. They were good, they were not great. They were well written but they just don't compare to the first.
These Is My Words… It's a silly title. One that puts off people from reading this book in my opinion. But the book is absolutly worth reading.
Enojoy! I know you will.
Jen T says
Love The Guernsey Literary one! It and These is My Words were two of my favorites last year. I did not like the sequel or the 3rd in the These is My Words nearly as much as the first. See what you think. Happy reading!
Karen and Kyle says
I just finished reading These is My Words. I know a lot of people reading it right now. THe first time I tried reading it I just couldn't get into it. But this time I decided to give it more of a chance and I'm glad I did. It really is a fun read! I also read the Guernsey book this year and it was wonderful. Good book choices!
Nicole says
I just finishwed the Hunger Game Series, and I'm looking for a new read. I've seen The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, but was slightly turned off by the title. I'll have to check it out again. Thanks for sharing your book reviews.
Ritz Family says
I loved These is my words and Sarah's Quilt…both very good reads!
Cara says
Loved all of those except Sarah's Quilt…haven't heard of that one. Hmmmm might need to go get me a copy!
Gilli b says
Wow! It feels like you took all the books off my nightstand. I agree with one commented who said give these is my words about 50 pages. The intro is written by the main character as a young girl. I have never read any book twice…except "These is my words", I've read it at least three times. Enjoy, enjoy, schedule time to make food, shower, take care of the family, it's the neglect the family type of book 🙂
Thanks for these book posts…I have read and loved many of the ones you've mentioned, including The Help and These is my Words (two of my favorites from the last few years). I read Hunger Games after it was mentioned so many times in the comments – that was a good one too. Forgotten Garden and Little Bee are next on my list. My two other favorites from the last few years, which no one else has mentioned, were Water for Elephants and the Glass Castle. Highly recommend both of those!
Does anyone else have trouble commenting on this blog using Firefix as a browser? I find that I have to switch to internet explorer to comment, so mainly I just lurk.
Anonymous says
Listen to The Help. The women who recorded it were fabulous. Just be prepared to miss a few exits and turns as you get so engrossed in these characters. My husband and I hated arriving at our destination because we had to stop.
alli says
I liked Guernsey a lot too. I'm reading These is My Words right now. I'm about 150 pages in, and it's getting very good! I can tell I'll want to read the second and third books.
Maggie says
I loved the Forgotten Garden, it was so well written, I felt like I was right there with all of them. And the change of how you feel about the Authoress…Though we know what happened to just about all the main characters I didn't want the story to end…
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Jan62011 posted by Jodie and Jen 84 Comments
Melanie says
I really liked the Help also and no, I wasn't ready for it to end.
I can't really think of any I read this year. That is horrible!
Also, I am a reader like you – if I am reading the house could fall down and I wouldn't notice. I love reading and one of my secret dreams is to start with the first book on a library shelf and read them all. There is nothing that a good book can't fix (or make you forget!)
Just started The Hunger Games. Great so far. And The Help was really good too.
Nata says
I LLOOOOVVVEEEDDD The Hunger Games! That was definitely on my top 5 last year. I also really enjoyed The Outlander series & Shutter Island.
Definitely loved The Hunger Games!
*katie says
Loved the Help and Hunger Games as well…You should try the Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton, absolutely LOVED it!
Summer says
Loved The Help and Hunger Games series. I read the Outlander Series, and they may be my favorites of all time. Have you read The Uglies series? It's young adult, but fun reads I thought.
Some other good books:
– These Is My Words
– One Thousand White Women
– Midwives
– Someone Knows My Name
– Snowflower and the Secret Fan
I could go on and on…. I'm a reader like you!
courtney says
LOVED the help. i am not a big reader but trying to read more in 2011. would love for you to keep posting suggestions as you finish the books.
Missy K says
The Help ranked high on my favorites list for last year– such an amazing journey of a book. But I believe it was edged out by Broken for You, by Stephanie Kallos– a wonderful book!
marciekoch says
I also loved The Help and I was really excited when I heard it was being made into a movie! YAY!
Sourkraut says
I like your rating system. 🙂 I read The Help a few months ago and really liked it too. Had a hard time putting it down. I'm pleased to see they're making a movie of it so we'll see how that turns out compared to the book. My favorite book of 2010 was The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York by Deborah Blum, one of those non-fiction books written to appeal to and be understood by non-experts like myself. It tells the fascinating story of the beginnings of forensic medicine along with some interesting true crime stories involving poison. Fascinating stuff! I hope to read The Hunger Games trilogy this year since everyone keeps raving about it.
Katie says
The Help is the best book since To Kill a Mockingbird…well, in my opinion. 🙂 The Hunger Games are fantastic too. Even my husband read them! I'm pretty sure they should let me direct the movies.
Angie says
I really liked The Help too! It was SUCH a great book!
kris says
I loved the Help. I thought it was great. I'm finishing the Happiness Project now and am really enjoying it also.
Patsy says
The movie "The Help" was filmed this summer in my hometown. It was really neat to see what they did with our little town. I grew up in the times the book is written about in the deep south. Curious to see how the movie turns out. Thanks for the literary review!
I cried at the end of the Help-they are making it into a movie! Hunger games I have serious mixed feelings-I love a love triangle and so I loved the first two books but I hated the last one. It was awful and depressing. I like to feel good after reading a book since it consumes me (like it does you). And that left me feeling sad.
Stuff by Ash says
I loved the Hunger Games, I even got my hubs to read it! Another of my favorites from last year was, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It's a mouthful of a title but a wonderful book. I loved the characters so much, I just wanted to go and meet them all myself!
Higgs Happenin's says
I've been wanting to read this book! I read the hunger games and I loved them too.
And I love this blog! heck even your rating system is adorable. I'd probably frame it.
Amy says
I really adore reading Austenland and it was among my favorite books of this year!
songskatesang says
Oh! Someone just gave me the help! Now I can't WAIT to read it!
My top 5 (no particular order):
– The House at Riverton, Kate Morton
– The Middle Place, Kelly Corrigan
– The Secret Life of Bees, Sue Monk Kidd
– The Red Tent, Anita Diamant
– Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, Lisa See
The Hunnicutts says
The Hunger Games were my favorite from last year, too! Loved them!
Jenna says
Oh I love The Help and The Hunger Games books!!! You have great taste. 🙂 You should more posts about books every so often. I need a new good one to read!
I loved The Help too. Two other favorites were The American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld and One Day by David Nicholls.
Laura says
'The Lost Girls' – Jennifer Baggett, Amanda Pressner, Holly C. Corbett
I believe Jerry Bruckheimer is in the process of putting together a television series based on their experiences. Great book! I couldn't put it down.
Jenn, Amanda and Holly – dub themselves The Lost Girls and embark on an epic yearlong search for inspiration and direction. They quit their coveted NYC media jobs and leave behind their friends, boyfriends, and everything familiar to travel the globe. The Lost Girls journey 60,000 miles across four continents and more than a dozen countries, stepping far outside of their comfort zones, embracing every adventure and experience the world has to offer.
Molly aka Posy Mosey says
I rarely get time to read and my "must read" list was growing constantly so I started using audio books. I have never listened to a better audio book than The Help. Sometimes I feel like I miss out on something with the audio books, but this one I think was even better.
Kalee says
The Hunger Games is my new favorite series! I read them last year, borrowed from a friend, and for Christmas I got my very own boxed set! I am looking forward to getting a chance to read them again! I read each book in about 1-2 days! I too am one of "those" readers!
Anonymous says
OM Goodness, i totally loved the help. I was raving to all my friends. Great book, can't wait for them to mess up the movie, just kidding. My reading list is such a blur but I did enjoy all of the Malcolm Gladwell books I received just because his books really make me think and examine things and I loved Shanghai Girls by Lisa See. Now I have to read the Hunger Games because everyone has said how great they were. Thanks for this fun post.
Linda says
I'm one of those slow readers. I managed to read a few books this year but my favorite was A Thousand Pleasant Suns. Did a post on it this week http://mannhome.blogspot.com/2011/01/on-book-shelf.html
Love reading the comments and anxious to read The Help plus some others your readers have liked. I gotta read faster!
Kendra Haneline says
Bringing Up Girls by James Dobson… one of the best books I've read in a while. I'm not so much a novel reader but more of a self-help reader… but this book is GREAT if you are raising daughters! (There is also Bringing Up Boys by the same author if you have boys and it's just as good)
D2the4thPower says
Haha! I like your rating system! I have been wanting to read The Help. Good to know it will be worth my money. I loved the Hunger Games trilogy. I am always sad when a good series is over. I love to read!
I read 54 books this year so picking a favorite is a little hard. I think I'll have to go with The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton but I also enjoyed a non-fiction book called In The Sanctuary of Outcasts by Neil White – the story of a leper colony/prison down south. I'll posting my list of books read in 2010 later this week.
Meri says
I really liked all of "The Hunger Games" books. With the exception of the end of "Mockingjay" they were brilliant. I like her other set of books as well.
My absolute favorite this year though: "The Passage" by Justin Cronin. It is huge, but it sucks you in and won't let go.
Also, if you like teen fiction that isn't terrible, try The Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Steifvater. Very well written. The third one comes out this summer, iirc. 🙂
Cindy says
I loved "The Help"………I just ordered 'The Immortality of Henrietta Lacks.' The other readers at work are raving about it. SInce I commute 45 miles to work one way this is how I get my 'reading' into my week. Then I donate the books on CD to my local library. It works out great for all of us.
dawn says
I love this post too, I'm a big reader as is my hubby and kids. We could sit all day and read a book. Sad to say that when my 13 year old is in trouble I ground her from reading for a day, it works like a charm. Our favorite place away from home is our library. Anyhow I love your rating system and I do that too and if the book is really good my kids know that there is pbj's for dinner and nothing in the house gets done, haha. I've never heard of this book but looks good so will check it out. I love to read Danielle Steele books mostly but I have a few other good ones. I loved reading all the comments and getting more book ideas. Thank you for sharing.
Abby says
My favorite was The Hunger Games as well!!
~alicia says
I LOVED "The Help" and, like you, was not ready for it to be over…it seemed to end abruptly. I would say that was probably my favorite read of last year – and I read over 100 books.
I got a Nook for Christmas and am currently reading "The Hunger Games"…at first I had a hard time getting into it and now I can't put it down!
Love your rating system…
mindyrobart says
i read the Outlander series. LOVED THEM ALL! there are like 8 in the series and they are so hard to put down. love, suspense, adventure, drama, intrigue… all wrapped up in each book!
Tabitha says
I'm the same way when it comes to reading. My husband jokes that I eat books for dessert. This year I've read a ton of good books and I really like the Outlander series, but the favorite that comes to mind is "Mennonite in a Black Dress". OMG it was SO funny and witty. It's a quick read and you really will find yourself giggling.
Kristin says
I read The Help last year and it was one of my favorite books ever. I would definitely read it again.
I'd like to read the Hunger Games series but haven't yet.
Last year I started the 52 books in 52 weeks. I came in at 33 books which I thought was pretty good since I only read at night in bed.
Katrina says
heehee Ü i am exactly that sort of reader . . . and hence why i haven't read a book in YEARS because the textbooks are 'supposed' to take priority. bluck.
Sarah says
I love to read! My friends and I started up a small book club this past year and it is the highlight of my month. My favorite book of 2010 was The Help! Our book for January is the first book of the Hunger Games. I can't wait to get started.
Other books to look into:
-One Day by David Nicholls
-The Next Thing on My List by Jill Smolinski
-Room by Emma Donoghue
-Magic Hour by Kristin Hannah (or any of her other books!)
chereemoore says
I really enjoyed "The Help" and think it is worthy of 4 stars.
Last year I read and blogged my way through 52 books. My favorite was "These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 Arizona Territories" by Nancy E. Turner.
Jen says
I just recently found your blog and am already a huge fan. Was super excited to see today's post was about books.
Loved The Help! Two of my other favorite historical fiction books that I read last year were Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet and Sarah's Key.
a_manda says
Great post today about books. I got a Nook from B&N for Christmas and now I need to get a pen and piece of paper to make a list of the books I need to download on it. Thanks everyone for the suggestions!
Lesley says
I liked The Help too, the other one is on my list to read. I LOVE The Red Tent (mentioned here already). This year, I loved The Book Thief and Sarah's Key. ALso liked The Art of Racing in the Rain alot.
Dorothy says
Yeah, I loved the Help. I don't read enough, but I couldn't stop reading this one.
I'd love to hear more recommendations from you!
Kelli says
I loved Water for Elephants and the Help was also wonderful. Trying to start The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series now… not going as planned. Just not feeling it…
Lady Thought says
My family knows when I get a new book they won't see me for hours. My hubby took the kids away for the day when I got Breaking Dawn so I could lounge on the couch and read uninterrupted (I married a good man).
I had a hard time with hunger games, it was good but so graphic and violent. I finished it at 2 a.m., no bueno. I really liked the end of the series, unlike a few other commenters.
I can't pick a fave from last year (I probably read 200 books) but EVERYONE should read The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom (I read it this week). AMAZING true story.
Amy {The Idea Room} says
Loved both of those! Have you read The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale? I loved it. It is the first in a series of three. Clean and a great story line. My boys loved it too!
ellie g says
Loving me some "Jen rating system." I think I'm gonna use that system for people too. People that bug….one star.
You, of course, are a 5 star individual. 🙂
I'm kind of like you, I hate to find a book I really like…because I don't do anything else. Like I can barely get up to pee.
My favorite book of all time is "To Kill a Mockingbird" and i re-read it this year. Still the best.
I also love "Team of Rivals" about Lincoln. It was divine.
This sounds like a good one though. One of my goals is to read more this year. I'm obviously succeeding….since I'm on the computer….DOH!!
Leslie says
Your rating system is awesome. My favorite read last year was Water For Elephants ~ it was e of on the stangest books that I have read.
Charlotte Cornett says
I am the same way!!! My all time favorite book would have to be "Redeeming Love" Francine Rivers. LOVED IT!!!! Couldn't put it down till I was done!
Anonymous says
Don't read Girl with the Dragon Tatoo series. The most horribly graphic, sadistic and corrupt book series. Not even good writing with that aside.
Anonymous says
LOVED Still Alice. A complete page turner.
Christina says
Thanks for the recommendation. I'm looking for something new. I got the Hunger Games for Christmas and Oh. My. Gosh!!!! I LOOOOOVE them! Definitely a re-read!! I'll have to look up The Help.
Shell in your Pocket says
I just finished the Help too.
I was not happy with the ending but the rest of the book was great~
Sandy Toe
J.J. Killins says
If you like YA – The Penderwick's! There are two now and another to come this summer!
Jen T says
Loved The Help and Hunger Games is one of my favorite. I really loved The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and also Green Rider by someone Britain and have loved Josi Kilpack's culinary mystery series.
Bree says
I had a few this year. Cutting for Stone was amazing. I also really liked the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.
Loved The Help and The Hunger Games series!
I read a new book called Matched. Check it out! Since you liked The Hunger Games I think you'll LOVE this one! I did 🙂
jennieo1024 says
I haven't read any of these,.. but I will have to! If I really like a book, I become obsessed, and get sad when I'm done. Then I won't read anything for a while because I'm afraid that it won't be as good as what I just read. I know, it's weird. I just have a hard time getting into books after I've read something really good. I'm coming off of one of those breaks now, so it's nice to have some good recommendations!
My fav book I read last year was A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. A few years old, but SO SO SO GOOD!
Ellen says
I loved "the Help" too!! and I'm so glad i'm not the only one who neglects real life when I get sucked into a good book! my poor boys got completely shunned when i read the hunger games this year!!
Other books I loved were "The Forgotten Garden" by Kate Morton and I just read "Incarceron" by Catherine Fisher which interfered with my new year's keep my house cleaner goal. poop!
*Kelly* says
I've been running a book club for over 5 years so when ever a blog post comes up about favorite books, I've always got a list of 5 star books to recommend!
Here's a few books we LOVED in 2010
-The Robe, By: Lloyd C. Douglas (A modern classic that will change your life!)
-Ender's Game, By:Orson Scott Card (One of the most famous SiFi books EVER, we were all surprised that we loved it so much but it has amazing dialogue.)
-We also LOVED The Help, it's a must read in my mind.
-We loved the entire Hunger Games series, they are phenomenal YA books that kept me guessing which is refreshing now days.
-We also just finished reading The Guernsey Literary and Potatoe Peel Pie Society and absolutly adored it! That book is a gift to who ever reads it so give it to someone you love.
Other books we've loved are:
-These is my Words By: Nancy Turner (You'll want to pick up the characters from out the pages and take them home with you because they are delightful. Don't let the title discourage you from reading this book, it's worth it.)
-The Forgotten Garden By: Kate Morton (LOVED THIS BOOK!! It's sort of a cross between a gothic fairy tale with a dash of family mystery and a side of Secret Garden imagery.)
-Nine Coaches Waiting, By:Mary Stewart (It's a modern gothic mystery classic that will sweep you off your feet and make you want to buy a plane ticket to France!)
Feel free to look for more ideas and suggestions on our blog at http://www.bookklubbers.blogspot.com
Happy Reading~
Angela says
I really liked The Help, too! Considering most of the other books I read last year were read aloud to an under 1 year old or were books about the development of that under 1 year old, The Help pretty much topped the list.
Coleen says
Must read Sarah's Key. So good and you learn something too.
Anonymous says
I enjoyed Help! It was the author's first book, so who knows maybe she's planning a sequel.
Kristine says
I am only commenting because I feel so strongly about this (I guess I'm a lurker). I just read "When Crickets Cry" and "Chasing Fireflies" by Charles Martin. Hands down my favorite books of 2010.
"Same Kind of Different as Me" was also very good. Enjoy!
Monica says
I have read all of these books and LOVED them! They were hands down my faves of 2010!
Julie says
I loved The Help as well and it was one of my favorite books I read this year. I am just like you as far as reading goes. In fact, I was sick in bed over the christmas break and read four books.
Other than The Help, I also loved "Sarah's Key" and "The Art of Racing in the Rain With Dogs."
Cares and Mimi says
I can totally relate to you when you say you are one of 'those' readers. When the Deathly Hallows came out, my husband knew I wouldn't be reachable. I stayed in my pj's and read it in less than 24 hours! And the Hunger Games Trilogy – yeow – three of my all time favorites! – Cares
Janet says
I just finished "A Month of Summer." I loved it! My other favorite books:
"A Thousand Splendid Suns"
"The Hiding Place"
"The Secret Life of Bees"
"The Help"
"Wednesday Wars"
The J9 says
The Help was one of my favorites this past year! I also loved "Molokai" and "1,000 White Women". I just finished "Life of Pi" and thought it was good, although I had trouble getting into it at first.
Anonymous says
I love all of these book suggestions. I am wanting more info about the outlander series. Author?
Michelle says
Those are the books I read last year too and loved them all! I'm waiting for, "Say Your One of Them" to come in the mail. Hopefully it's good.
I heard they are turning "The Help" into a movie.
Elle says
The Help was excellent and I heard the same about a movie with possibly Emma Stone playing Skeeter, which would be fantastic. Love her.
I got really sick of The Hunger Games fast. Not my favorite.
I read The Maltese Falcon and I really liked that!
Laura says
The Help was a great book & am def going to read "hunger games". In the spirit of sharing great books:
Room, Emma O'Donoghue (a 'read it in a session' book)
Ransom, David Malouf (if you like historical fiction)
My Name is Memory
Amy says
I have been feeling like I go to the same authors over & over again when I am at the library, so I am super excited to have such a long list of things to look for! Thanks to everyone for sharing!!
Dana Rene' says
The Help was my pick for our book club here in Henderson last year. We all loved it! I don't remember where I first heard about it but I could sit down and read it again…as soon as I remember who I gave my copy to. I highly recommend it to anyone!*Ü*
heather says
I LOVE your rating system!! AND…I want to know how you work that "fend for themselves" dinner angle as I am TOTALLY that reader (but can't seem to get the family to let me read when I want to)! 🙂
Oh I am on chapter 23 of the Help and I love it! I should be done by this weekend! Great recommendation
Cassi says
My favorite book from last year was "The Historian". I also re-read Dee Henderson's O'Malley Series which is very good also.
"The Help" was good but didn't make my favorite list this year. For some reason I just couldn't love it like the rest.
Chris says
My favorite book from last year was "The Scent of Rain and Lightning" by Nancy Pickard. Others on my list are "The Virgin of Small Plains" also by Nancy Pickard, "Winter Garden" by Kristen Hannah and(because I am a Twilight Fan) "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner" by Stephanie Meyers. I have not read "The Help" or "The Hunter Games", but I may have to put them on my need to read list for this year.
Finished the Help..I too was left wanting a little more. I am going to start on Room next.
Wow! Crazy small world. I am currently reading The Help. I am totally absorbed in it (the only reason I am blog hopping andnot reading is because the Hubs can't get to sleep with my reading light on so I came downstairs) tee hee!
I also read the Hunger Games Trilogy about six months ago & I they rival the Twilight Saga in the match for my favorite series ever. LOVED them!
Jenny says
I am reading "The Help" right now. I am about 3/4ths of the way through and I absolutely love it. It is one of those books that you don't want to put down!
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I loved the Nightingale so much!!! Thank you for the other book ideas as well!
Wasn’t it so good!! love it! 🙂
Just finished The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio-laughed and cried all
at the same time. Also finished two from your list this last month, looking forward to diving into the other two-I always love your book recommendation posts!
I’ll have to look that one up Mandy! I love a good laugh/cry all at the same time! 🙂
I SOO enjoyed The Invention of Wings!
Me too Nancy! Such a great book! 🙂
I have purchased The Nightingale and it is the next book I plan to listen to. All the Light We Cannot See is on my bookshelf waiting. I absolutely loved The Invention of Wings, I listened to it as well and literally cried and felt so sad when it was over. It really gave me a greater appreciation for the freedoms I enjoy as both a non slave, and as a woman. I also loved The Boys in the Boat. I didn’t previously know much about rowing, but loved the combination of the rowing and the personal. Fantastic books.
Looks like we have very similar taste in books!! good taste! 🙂 Have you read/listened to any other good ones lately?
We definitely have similar taste. My favorite books that I’ve read in the last year are:
The Rosie Project
A House in the Sky
The Invisible Girls
The Storied Life of AJ Fikry
I’ve read The Rosie Project and The Storied Life… I’ll have to check out those other 2. 🙂
Just finished my book club book and was pretty blown away. The Girl Who Was Saturday Night is a fantastical story of twins living in the seediest quarter in Montreal. It’s by Jennifer O’Neil and we read her first book years ago, Lullabies for Little Criminals.
Thanks for posting this list of WW II books! I live in Germany and enjoy reading any/all historical fiction/non-fiction books about this time period. Just finished reading Jackdaws by Ken Follett and The Zookeeper’s Wife by Diane Ackerman. I look forward to reading many on your list!
My favorite books to read are historical fiction about WWII! Thanks so much for leaving your recommendations for me!! 🙂
Oh, what wonderful books! So many of these touched my heart – and some I haven’t read but have now added to my list of “ladies in waiting”. Thank you!
Please girls, do another Off the Bookshelf book review. It is always my go to guide for some great books to read. I am now on summer holidays and have a couple of weeks to read, read, read!
Please girls, we need some more book reviews!
I really need to take the time to put a new one together. I’ve read a lot of great books lately. Check out The Orphan Keeper. Just finished it and LOVED it!
I am doing the Popsugar 2017 Reading Challenge so I have read books I have never heard. Books I never would have picked up otherwise. Some really good books. I loved The Guernsey Potato Pie one and can’t get anyone to understand it is a book and they should read it. Lol. Nightingale was by far the best book I have read in a long time. I could not put it down.