jodie and i (jen) were lucky enough to attend the blogging conference, EVO last week.
this is our second conference this year and we are pretty much in love with them! and for good reason… let me explain.
1. the food.
yes most of our trips are centered around food. our first stop once we arrived in provo was to head to the sweet tooth fairy for our favorite cupcakes in utah. little did we know that a day later we’d be listening to the founder Megan Faulkner Brown’s inspiring story of how she made it all happen.
2. the classes.
we always get asked, “what do they teach you at those things?”
and the simple answer is…. how to be a better blogger. but the best part is…. is that we come home with a renewed passion and love for blogging.
3. the connecting.
there’s nothing better than being in a room full of amazing people that “get you”.
kristyn from lil’luna, landee from landee see landee do, jodie, shauna from orange blossom, mandi from vintage revivals, brooke from all things thrifty & courtney from orange blossom
4. the sponsors.
blogging conferences are a great way to make connections with big companies. EVO had some of the top dogs like Disneyland, McDonalds and Ebay.
jen, courtney, minnie, shauna, landee
jodie & kristen from kristen duke photography
5. the fun.
i love it when grown women can be silly. oh… and we did silly right!
a group of us scared the living daylights out of some of our friends.
when they opened the door to our hallway… three “things” were waiting for them. i can’t even look at these pictures below without cracking up!!
(the three “things” (nikki from chef in training, kristyn and jen), top right: brooke’s cherry face
bottom right: mandi and her mask that made a few appearances)
6. the location.
EVO was held in beautiful Park City, Utah. need i say more?
we were lucky enough to stay with 15 of our friends in two amazing condos from Links Luxury Rentals.
(top: the view from the balcony. bottom: the front of the condos)
to see a virtual tour of where we stayed click here.
7. the friends.
we have met some amazing women that we are so honored to call our friends. it makes it very difficult to say good bye as we all travel back to our different cities spread across the country.
jen, jodie, courtney (from the orange blossom shop),
shauna (from the orange blossom shop) and landee (from landeeseelandeedo)
looking at all these photos makes us realize what a great opportunity “blogging” has been!
we love to take advantage of the chances we get to make our blog better….
and we really, really appreciate all the support we get from our family & our readers.
thank you!
You gals write a great blog and I'm so happy that you get your spirits renewed, make friends, eat well and have lots of fun!
Your blog is one of my most favorite- thanks so much for doing it! I must say it is such a small world though- I knew Tauni back in my BYU days =).
This is the first time I'm commenting, but I have been reading your blog for awhile now. Thank you so much for sharing all of your amazing ideas.
what a lovely write-up. you gals are the best;)
EVO looked so fun! Single tear. I'm thinking Jamie needs to photoshop her and I in the last pic. Seems like it's missing something. 🙁
I LOVED meeting Jodie & Jen for breakfast. Thanks for making that happen.
Big fan!
Ummm so I pretty much love you guys. Even if you put my cherry face ON YOUR BLOG!!! Lol. Xoxo