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I just so happen to be addicted to childrens Christmas books. I just love the fun stories and sweet illustrations. I have to limit myself to just one new one a year or else it would really get out of hand. Do you have a favorite? I found this one at Target this year and it’s so stinking cute!

02| Chicken Tetrazzini from Lil’ Luna
This is on the menu for this weekend. It sounds SO GOOD and pretty easy to make!!

03|Bob Ross Paint with Water Book
I love paint with water books when I was a kid. I think this book looks like fun and I may be buying it for a few teens for Christmas. 🙂 shhhh….

04| Printable Christmas To-Do List
We shared this free printable a few years ago, but it’s still a favorite! Print it off at home and fill it up with all the fun things you want to do this month.

We are thinking of starting a new tradition this year. Christmas Eve Bingo! For many, many years the kids have put on a talent show, but we are thinking about switching it up. Do you have any favorite Christmas Eve traditions?

I’m looking for the old Christmas card book covers and Pinterest doesn’t allow it to download.
Oh dang! I’ll get in there in the next few days and update it for you. Thanks for letting me know. 🙂