01| Whistling Past The Graveyard
This book takes place in the early 60’s in Mississippi. I just love the relationship that grows between Starla who is a white child and Eula who is a black woman. I couldn’t see how there would be an ending that I’d be happy with, but there is and I just really enjoyed it.

02| Have you guys tried POP CORNERS yet?
My family is obsessed! They are a little tricky to find, but you can order them from amazon HERE. If you’re lucky you can grab some at Costco, but they are only there every once in awhile. My favorites are the Kettle Corn and the White Cheddar. YUM!

So excited for our friend Kristyn who just launched some super cool new products. Stop by and even get 15% off using code: SIMPLIFY (not sure how long the code is good for)

04| Who’s Excited for the Downton Abbey movie? ME!
It comes out on September 20th and I can’t wait. So fun!

05| Are you a Halloween fan? In just a little over a week from now the 10th annual Spooktacular September will start on our blog. Fun new Halloween ideas everyday. Stop by and check it out. 🙂

Happy Friday! Have a safe weekend!
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