Guess what? We are celebrating another year here at Eighteen25…it’s our birthday!! We love celebrating with YOU each year because without your support and love, this site would not be a success. No better way to celebrate than by coming up with a few fun, birthday projects to share with all of you. So, here’s today’s project…
Have you guys seen these mini pinatas at Target? Now that you know where they are, run quick and grab some! Then, let’s get started with this fun little birthday gift. Sound good to you?
I don’t know of a child that doesn’t get a huge smile on their face when they see a pinata. They are so bright and colorful (and full of candy) it makes them crazy. They have all sorts of them down the party aisle and they are only $3.99. If the rainbow and donkey aren’t for you, they have a circus tent, pirate’s parrot, princess crown and a few others too.
It’s super easy to assemble! There’s a little tab at the top that you lift open. So, fill it full of candy or small toys for the birthday boy or girl. Then, just attach the tag with some twine and you’re ready for your party!
Download your tags here: BLACK or BLUE
If you don’t want it to be just about the candy, you could include a gift card or movie or maybe a board game. Pretty sure no matter what it is, their birthday is sure to be a hit!
Here are a few more of our birthday gift ideas…
I was just wondering if there is a link to the tag. I am afraid I missed it somewhere in your post. What an adorable idea! I can’t wait to give these out to friends.
haha! whoopsie… I guess attaching the tags would help.
So glad you like the idea and thanks for letting us know we forgot an important part.
Cute and fun ideas!
So cute! I bought one today for a gift. Is the tag you show here offered as a printable?
Sorry- I just found it! Thanks!
Glad you found it! I did forget to include it at first. oops!! haha.
Aren’t they so cute!! Love that Target has so many different ones.