we took a little poll this week on our facebook page
and asked followers,
“what baby product is an absolute necessity in your home?”
here is what they suggested (i know i’ll be trying a few of these):

2. nosefrida-the snotsucker

britax back seat mirror
(this one was listed in “amazons best sellers”)

6. boppy

7. moby wrap

8. munchie mugs

we would LOVE to hear what your favorite baby product is!
feel free to tell us in the comments.
thanks for joining us for baby week,
we hope you had as much fun as we did!
today’s the last day to enter those awesome baby week giveaways!!
go HERE, HERE and HERE to enter.
I agree with pretty much everything except the backseat mirror. You can get so absorbed in watching the baby in the mirror that you might not be paying as much attention to the road and could cause an accident. If you pack him in safely when you get in the car, you should be fine for the trip. If he starts crying, safely find a place to pull over. Better than being completely distracted by the mirror and everyone stays safe.
The Itzbeen has been an enormous help to this sleep deprived mama!
We got an Ergo baby carrier for my youngest and I LOVED it. It was so easy to put on and so comfortable. He loved it too which was wonderful. I wish I had known about them sooner.
The Ergo for sure! I remember putting baby #2 in our Bjorn when she was only 8 pounds and I lasted about 15 minutes before my back started hurting. Now she's 16 months and about 23 pounds and I can still get a grocery run in with her in the Ergo… not that she likes it much at this age though. 🙂
The Itzbeen pocket nanny is awesome, as well as the aden + anais blankets. I'm also loving the rock n' play!
bagus banget gambarnya
I'm going to agree with Shannon about the mirror. Most people put them above the baby attaching it to the head rest. In the event of an crash the carseat is designed to move back/up along the seat back…and the mirror could be right where the baby's head/face is so baby makes a faceplant right onto the hard mirror. Could be a major owy happening.
I'm going to a baby shower next month and plan on picking up a couple of those snack cups.
thanks for the list…glad to know what moms like today.
Nice list. The most glaring one was the "nosefrida-the snotsucker."
I saw this thing at Buy Buy Baby, and the thing creeped me out. Couldn't figure out why. Then it hit me.
When we were kids, we ran out of gas and my dad flagged down a good Samaritan who let my dad syphon gas from his car to a gas can my dad did. The picture on the "nosefrida-the snotsucker" reminded me of the mouthful of gas my dad got and had to spit out before filling his little gas can.
I know it's probably not the same, but there you have it. (….the snot sucker,….nice). I'll stick with the bulb.
The Cheeky Daddy
This handy placemat has been one of my favorite products (by far!) for both of my children. We keep it in the diaper bag for when we're out at restaurants.
A bunch of these products are one a major sale at cottonbabies.com
Just a plug for the Moby wrap, I received mine as a gift when my baby was born. I have used it up through 9 months and loved it!
Miracle Swaddle Blankets, Baby Connect app, Ikea bibs with the arms, Soothie pacifiers.
Oh man, Nosefrida all the way! I buy Nosefrida, Windi, and aden & anais wraps for every baby shower.
These are just a part of the best of the baby products. These can also be taken as the baby gifts as well as for the mother-to-be shower program. Just they are really exciting. I think I would buy all these for my toddler baby. The back seat mirror is the most likest of mine. Great to see the blog and thanks for sharing this valuable baby product items.
Awesome baby backseat mirror! Thanks for this. Got an idea on what to buy as a gift for my newly wed friends.