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Hi there Eighteen25 readers! My name is Melissa Mortenson and I blog over at the Polkadot Chair! I’m so excited to be sharing this super simple Spooky table runner with you today!
The runner is made from burlap and goes together very quickly!
For this project you will need:
-Unbleached cotton or muslin (some cheap fabric to line the runner with)
-Freezer paper
-Spray Paint
-Some type of e-cutter (i.e. cricut, silhouette) or an exacto knife.
The first thing you want to do is decide what size to make your runner. I decided to make the finished size of mine 11″x88″ (I have a long table).
Then cut your burlap WIDER than you want it. For example since I wanted my runner to be 11″ wide I cut the burlap 12.5″ wide. Burlap is very tricky to work with and can easily fray- so if you cut it wider it will give you some wiggle room with the finished project.
Then cut your lining material 1″ wider than your finished runner.
Next with the shiny side of the freezer paper facing down, cut out your design. I used a silhouette on regular paper setting and it worked fine. If you don’t have an e-cutter you can easily cut freezer paper with an exacto knife.
Remove the design- discard- for this project you want the negative of the design.
Iron the design onto your burlap where you want it. The shiny side of the freezer paper melts and sticks to the fabric.
For my design, I put one design in the center then one design on each end.
Next spray over the design onto the burlap. Make sure to spray evenly. Wait for it to dry, then peel off the freezer paper.
You are left with your design!
Next, place the runner and the runner lining together, right sides together and pin. The burlap will be bigger than the lining but that’s OKAY it’s supposed to be.
Stitch 1/2″ seam down both long sides of the runner, leaving the ends open.
Then trim excess burlap off, so that your seam allowance is even.
I love this table runner and it looks so easy! I'll have to give it a try.
how cute!! thanks for sharing =)
So cute! I wish I had a Cricut or Silhouette.
I wonder if someone close by has one I can borrow…
You have hit on yet another great project using burlap. Thanks!
Just love this, so many things you could do!! Do you have a cost on how much to make it?
This is super awesome!
Very cute. Quick question, do you have to spray paint it? I am just wondering if regular craft paint would work on the burlap.
That is so cool and spooky! I love it! I LOVE freezer paper painting, so much fun.
Love this! Found you via The Polkadot Chair, love your blog!
I just added your site to my top 10 blogs that I love.
Mrs. Ayala’s Kinder FUN
The table runner is so cute! I'm definitely considering making one myself. :]
this makes me wish I had a cricut or silhouette. wonder if I can still make a stencil of some sort and do this.
Thanks for the tutorial! I love all these ideas on how to use my SiL!
Can you please share where you got the bookshelf/console table? I LOVE it!
Melissa! I LOVE this! Especially the chandy. I am obsessed with those. And I pretty much want to get married to freezer paper. So this is right up my alley! It looks amazing on that table. What a great idea!
Melissa, was wondering what Cricut cartridge you used.