Hi everyone! It’s Allison from All for the Boys back with another fun, simple craft that really bites! Dinosaurs are back in (if they were ever really “out”) and we’re always looking for fun ways to engage the younger kids in our lives with fun new craft ideas that involve subjects they are into.
All you need to create your own 3-D T-rex is paper, a paper plate, marker, scissors, glue and googly eyes (optional). This was inspired by the popular shark craft done by Almost Unschoolers – just taken in a different direction!
Start by cutting a T-rex shaped head out of construction paper. I like to fold it in half so it’s even.
Next we’ll make the jaws with a paper plate. Fold the plate in half and cut into sort of a triangle shape to match the head.
Then, cut teeth around the outside of the “jaws”.
Fold the teeth in and glue the jaws to the paper head (you’ll want to fold a flat part into the jaw so it can stick with the glue).
Add some nostrils and eyes and you’re done!
You could color the outside of the jaws to match and make the inside the same color along with a tongue or uvula for fun. We’re more simple crafters so we called it good here. I wonder what other animals we can make this way!

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