it’s here…
and it’s kind of a bittersweet day.
because this subway art fun started with Christmas… and so it ends with Thanksgiving.
(don’t worry though we are already trying to talk jamie into making a few extras)
there are 2 fun color combos to choose from…
we’ve loved hearing how much you and your families have enjoyed
the prints in your home!!
we hope you enjoy this one too!!
And for those of you that are new to printing these off,
here is a little long how-to I typed up for ordering from Costco.
1. Save the Subway Art to your computer. Then when you go to the Costco website, click on PHOTO at the top and log in.
2. Choose UPLOAD PHOTOS on the right sidebar. Choose the album you want to upload it to or start a new album.
3. Select your photo… click on the arrow in the box and find where you saved the subway art and OPEN it.
4. Under STEP 3… select the FULL RESOLUTION UPLOAD. Then click on START UPLOAD.
5. After that’s loaded, select ORDER PRINTS on the right sidebar. Select the one you want and ADD TO CART.
6. Under PRINT OPTIONS, I always select LUSTRE, but that’s up to you. Under PRINT ORDER, select the size you want. (make sure to delete the 4×6 they already have selected. Then click CONTINUE.
7. Choose your warehouse… and then on the PLACE ORDER screen, click on the EDIT OPTIONS and select DO NOT AUTOCORRECT MY PRINTS. Click CONTINUE.
8. Make sure your order is correct and PLACE ORDER.
Remember, theses are 16×20 files, but print off great as 8×10’s too.
Love it! Thank you!
I love all your prints! I'm excited to add this one to my collection! Thanks so much for sharing!
thank you
Thank you so much for the Thanksgiving subway art. Love it, printing mine now!
YAY! Thank you!!! I had nothing to swap out for your Halloween art! LOVE your prints — they really help make the house a home! xoxo
Your subway art is the best!! I have printed out EVERY SINGLE ONE you guys have made
THANK YOU! A friend and I were just talking yesterday about how we hoped you'd come out with a Fall/Thanksgiving Subway Art for our growing collections. Now I can add this one to my rotation.
This is awesomely beautiful! (A little late for Canadian Thanksgiving but perfect for next year!) Do you have a link so I can peek at your other subway art? Thanks a bunch! Have a wonderful day, Kimberly
Nevermind… I found them! They're wonderful! Obviously I haven't had my coffee yet… ;o)
Thanks so much!
Love them! Thank you!!!
Thank you so much for this!!!
Thank you! I love these and change them out with the seasons. Keep em coming!
Thank You! Just yesterday I was looking for a print like the ones you do.
Thank you so much!! I have been searching your blog for a cute thanksgiving subway art and I was thrilled today when I opened up your blog and found this one! DARLING!!
I love this! Now I just need to refill my stinkin' ink cartridges so I can print it up!
Why are they so expensive (the ink cartridges, I mean)?!
I love that we seem to be telepathically in sync. When I decorated for Halloween, I logged on looking for the Halloween subway art and it had just been posted. I just spent the morning taking down my Halloween decorations and replacing it with fall/harvest/Thanksgiving. I took the Halloween art out of my frame and decided to sit down and see if there was anything up yet… and here it is! Awesome! thanks!
Oooh! I was looking everywhere for a good Thanksgiving printable! This is awesome. Thank you!
Thank you! I love the one on the left, its kind of retro looking! Thanx again!!!
OHHH I love it when you post these! Just printed, trimmed and framed. Super easy! You know how I like it
These are the best and they add such a lovely touch to our home! Maybe Jaime will make a winter one? To go between Christmas and Valentine's day? I hope she doesn't stop making them. They are fantastic!!
Love it! Thank you!
Love these! Thank so much for sharing.
Yay! Thanks SO much for all the beautiful subway prints. I love them all!
You gals are so sweet to share- love it.
Have a wonderful day-
Thank you! This is so perfect for my house!
Thank you! Thank you! Now I have the full set
Wow! These are gorgeous, thank you so much!
These are beautiful!!! Thank you so much!!!!
I Love it! Thank you so much for making and sharing all of this fabulousness with all of us less technically inclided people.
Thank you! Kim
You're so Awesome. Perfect timing too! I was just thinking about needing to take out the Halloween print from my frame. Thank You so much.
Your prints are amazing! I'm getting them all in 8×10 size and sending them to my sis-in-law for Christmas. Thank you so much!
Awesome thank you! I printed four! You can find mine here
Thanks again!
I love it! Bummer that I just sent another one to print at Costco, but I like this one better!
Thanks! This is adorable!
I was seriously going to send you an email or a comment begging and pleading for a Thanksgiving one yesterday when I took my Halloween one down. I LOVE your subway arts because they aren't too busy — simple and graphic and elegant. THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you! Your subway art is one of my favorite pieces of home decor.
Thank you so much for your generosity!! I was hoping that you would create a Thanksgiving subway art poster. They bring joy to everyone that views them!
Love these! Thanks for completing the series. When I had my Halloween one printed at Costco, the guy told me that I wouldn't believe how many of those they printed–at least 3-5 a day, and that was just one Costco!
Yeah! I just printed mine off. Thanks for all the wonderful art!
How many of the subway arts do you have total? I am thinking about printing a whole set for a Christmas present.
I just downloaded and printed it out! It's beautiful! I wish I would have found your blog sooner. Maybe I'll go ahead and print them all out to save for next year. Thanks so much for sharing with all of us!
Thank you so much! I look forward to changing out my subway art each month. You all Rock!!
Thank you so much! That blue/orange/brown combo is heavenly. Adore!
I was so hoping you would do a Thanksgiving subway art and there it was this morning when I checked your blog! Thank you so much, they have become a huge part of my holiday decor!
I am thinking that my Bunco ladies might like these.
This is great – THANK YOU! I really enjoy these printables! <3
LouAnn – Body by Vi
Thank you so much! I printed mine off yesterday and changed out my Halloween one. It looks great~ I love it!
Love this! Thank you so much – I can't wait to pick mine up from Costco! You are so sweet
Thank YOU! I was wishing for a Thanksgiving subway art to fill my frame. They have all been so much fun. Thanks again.
This one might be my favorite! Love it :). Thank you for filling an empty space in my house!
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 2 post on Nov. 03, 2011. Thanks again.
YAY! Thank you thank you thank you!
Thank you – another beautiful addition to the collection. They are the highlight of my kitchen! Julie x
You can't quit yet…I don't have a winter, summer, fall, St. Patricks, etc., etc.
I LOVE subway art!
thank you so much… i have loved and appreciated your subway art downloads!!
I LOVE these—just downloaded all of them. Now I need to buy frames–one for me and few for Christmas gifts! THANK YOU!
You mentioned convincing Jamie to keep designing them…I would love to see a winter subway art (winters are LONG here in NY!)—and maybe a summer fun one, too!
I LOVE these—just downloaded all of them. Now I need to buy frames–one for me and few for Christmas gifts! THANK YOU!
You mentioned convincing Jamie to keep designing them…I would love to see a winter subway art (winters are LONG here in NY!)—and maybe a summer fun one, too!
Another great print – thank you for all of the printables that you share so freely!
Thank you very much for the print. You are so generous to do this for everyone. It will look beautiful in our living room.
Just wanted to say thankyou for a year full of great subway art! Thanks for being so generous and sharing your talents with us!
Baaaaah I'm so excited!!!
Thank you very much!
Thank you ~Thanks ~much… i have been waiting for this!!
I wanted to let you know that I featured this in my "What I Bookmarked This Week" post today – stop by and see!
Girls this is SO cute! Melody told me about your blog and I just love it!
Today I added all of my Thanksgiving decor to the existing fall decorations already out. I added this by swapping out Halloween picture and it looks great! So excited! "Grateful" for eighteen25!
Thanks for making these & sharing with us! I found your blog via pinterest & I featured your printable as one of my favorites of the week here:
I will be printing this & placing on my mantle & featuring photos later this week too! :0)
I love this Thanksgiving printable! I have printed it, framed it, and have it hanging in my kitchen along with other pieces of subway art I found for this holiday! I plan to feature a picture and a link to this post next Wed (11/9) over at!
Yet another thank you from a loyal fan… with one request for jamie: what are your thoughts on some religious themes (too contraversial?)
E.G.: Easter: Savior, Gethsemane, Atonement, Resurrection, New Covenant, Eternal Live
Christmas: New star, Shepherds and Wise men, Mary and Joseph, Angels, Tiny Lord of Light
I'd PAY BIG TIME for some like this to complete my collection! please, please, please?
Fabulous! I love all of these prints. Just a suggestion- New Years?? I didn't see one. That might be fun. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with us all!
Love, Love, LOVE the free subway art that you pass on to your readers! Please keep making them
Do you have the links to the previous downloads in one place? I am using the LinkWithin, but the "home filler" link doesn't work, and I don't see the Christmas download! I just found this blog, and I would love to collect the previous downloads!
Wonderful subway art – thanks so much for sharing!
I love ALL your Subway Art- I have tried to make my own but they just aren't the same:) Can I request that you maybe make some Baby Subway Art in both genders? I would love to use them for baby shower gifts! You guys are AWESOME!
these are great!! xoxo
Thank you for sharing your beautiful Fall Subway Art! I always find such adorable ideas on your blog!
I have featured your subway art in my "Last Minute Thanksgiving Ideas" post. You can find it here:
Love these – thanks so much!
Thank you for the beautiful artwork! Got mine printed but broke the glass in the frame as I was mounting it, oops! Behind this one is the Christmas one waiting to come forward next. Here it is on Thanksgiving:
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your subway art. I have printed all of them. You inspired me to create a Sinterklaas (St. Nicholas) subway art!
I hope you'll be making more!
Thank you! Love it. Would love to see one for the holidays and winter! Thanks again
thank you so much!
These are great THANK YOU ;~}
Thank you!
Can you print these at other places like Walgreens by uploading them online?
Yep. We've just always used Costco, but other photo labs can print them too.
I couldn't find 'Full Resolution Upload' on the Costco website; sorry, can you explain again how to do that?
I'm also wondering if these prints work out well to print as a canvas? I'd love to do a big one, maybe even a 20×30, but I want to make sure it won't come out blurry
I can't wait to have one up in our house!
Sorry Andrea… they've switched things up on the Costco website since this post was written. I'm pretty sure it automatically uploads at full resolution now.
Is it possible to print these as 5×7? I need to print 10 and frame as gifts. Thanks
I wouldn't recommend it. All of the white space on the sides will probably get trimmed off, so when you frame it, you might not see all of the words. 8×10 is the smallest I would go. Sorry.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork! We are sharing on our Facebook page today. Hope that is ok! TFS, Susan
Thank you!!