if you have never heard of lil blue boo, please let us introduce you.
this is ashley. she is the editor of lil blue boo, she is a designer & diy-er.
she creates amazing things. her right hand wo-man is boo, her daughter.
together they make marvelous things all while being in perfect company.
it is so sweet.
and she has a shop. with patterns + clothing. very cute clothing!
trust me. there are a lot of reasons to fall in love with ashley and her blog.
but, the reason the three of us keep heading back there day after day after day…
her positive attitude
her amazing outlook on life
the love for her family
and her fight to live.
you see, everyday she makes a decision to
we will let her tell you the rest of that story….
thanks so much ashley for letting us be a part of lil blue boo today.
thanks so much for sharing your talents with us and inspiring us and so many more!
Yes, she has some very cute clothing:)
YAY! two AWESOME blogs in one spot! 🙂
krista@ mk inspired
heading over now! ♥ lil blue boo
Great post! Just checked lil blue boo. Awesome site. 🙂
locked out
Love that you guest posted at Lil Blue Boo, now I have found your blog too. LOVE it, totally inspiring, will be all over your projects lists soon….
What an inspirational site. She truly is remarkable in so many ways. Thanks so much to pointing us her way.
I found your site about 2 months ago and I must say it is one of my favorites. You showcase such a variety of subjects.
Keep it up!
my first time t visit lilblueboo and it's s awesome, those kids are so cute! as well as their outfits.
quality website design