Hi! First I want to say thank you to the sisters for having me back, I am honored. Second as you can see from the photo above, my little fam bam LOVES Halloween. Especially when we hit up Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween each year in our group costumes.
I thought long and hard for something to make this year. I think in this amazing day and age of social media it can be hard to feel original. With that said, I wanted to use the hottest fade of weaving to come up with a Halloween DIY.
Here is my circle weave spiders…
Supply list is pretty short:
-I used three embroidery hoops in different sizes {I spray painted them black, which I had on hand}
– yarn black for the spiders and any accent colors you might want
– Scissors
– Needles made the photo but ended up not needing them and returned them 😉
You are going to take the inside hoop out flip it upside down if you spray painted it and loop the black yarn around once and tie it.
Then you are going to wrap…
You will wrap until you have 11 points…
I learned during this that when you weave you need to always have an odd number, which made sense, just never knew.
Flip your hoop back over and take the end of the 11th point and cross it over the two strings making the point next to it…
Then you will continue around the hoop, bobbing and weaving, over under over under…
{note it will not look like much until you get a few rows in}
As you go around pull the yarn tight into the center…
Weave until your desired body size. Then move the points to make 4 legs on each side and three at the end area…
Now you will take the yarn and weave it around the top three pieces, do this a few times to create the head and then tie it off at the back.
For the eyes I just tied some white into place. And then took my accent colors and did some different wrap patterns.
So there is my circle weave spiders. I hope you enjoyed my little DIY and I didn’t offend any real weavers with my super duper novice instructions, haha.
From my family to yours have a very happy Halloween!
My other Halloween projects:
Love the Wreck it Ralph costumes! And great spider webs. 🙂
Love it! Really cute spiders.
These are adorable and creative!