We have a fun project to share with you today and it would also make a really cute gift for all the girlies in your life.
back in june, we took a trip to the craft store to pick up the stuff for friendship bracelet kits and since then, the girls have spent several hours making colorful knotted bracelets for everyone they know.
to make a kit to keep or give as a gift, you’ll need:
- a DMC craft organizer (ours came with plastic floss bobbins)
- a pack or two of embroidery floss
- a small clipboard (6×9)
- large elastic (to wrap around the box)
- tag download
and in case you were wondering what the clipboards were for…
they hold your thread while your knotting.
so whether you have a little time left before school starts or you’ve already sent the kids back…
get your kids hooked on making these and they can give friendship bracelets to all their new school friends!!
{if you’re new to making friendship bracelets…there are some great tutorials here to help you get started.}

I love this idea!! I'll have to remember it for upcoming birthday gifts!
These are great! I may have to make one for my neighbor 🙂
I made this after seeing it one TT&J. It is perfect for my 6 year old who is in LOVE wiht making bracelets. Thanks!!!
Super cute! I would have loved this back when I was in elementary school…Ah, the good ol' days!
I saw your guest post on "tatertots & jello" and immediately pinned this idea and started following your blog. LOVE IT!. So brings me back to my bracelet making days in middle school!
I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
Love this idea! I like the clipboard on the front to hold the end while you are making the bracelet.
What a great gift for a young girl. My daughter's sitters all make these but not in such neat patterns.
So fun too make
I love that shape that you made the tag. I have been looking for that shape to use. What is is called? Please help as I have been hunting for a couple of months!! Thanks so much!
Will have to try the clipboard! My daughters have been keeping their friendship bracelets still by using a sewing pin on the couch, and kneeling to braid by it.
I forgot about that style of friendship bracelets, we have been doing the diagonal stripes.
I found that at the age of 8 years old, they can easily make a friendship bracelet by themselves after being taught, and can get quite fast!! (My daughters have done them before the age of 8, but it just took them a little longer, and they would sometimes get a bit muddled…but that is just my experience)
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 4 post on Aug. 25, 2011. Thanks again.
Love this! I just made some bracelets for my niece and daughter and this kit would be perfect to send to my niece with her bracelets!
I found this pinned on Pinterest and am going to make one of these for my daughter for Christmas, my oldest loves to make things for her friends and others so this would be great!
The clipboard is a fantastic idea! Sure beats pinning it to your shorts while working on it.
Kimberly @ the brown eyes have it
love this. This brings me back to the days of friendship bracelet making and toting around my own box of colorful string
Can anyone please tell me where I can find one of those large elastic bands shown in the picture? None of my hair bands are that large and none of my office stores in the area have bands like that in their rubber band sections. It looks a lot nicer than a standard rubber band would.
I am making one of these kits as a Christmas present for my daughter. It's turning out very cute!
i found these hair bands at michaels and i'm pretty sure they are on clearance right now. but i've seen similar ones at target and wal-mart.
Thank you again for the great idea! Just made one for my daughter and blogged about it!
Love your idea!!
Thank you so much for including the "tag" download. I was going with a pink and purple theme, is there anyway to change the color from black and white?
awesome, but if i were you, i would have hot glued felt to the clip board so the braclet strands stay!
that's a great idea. i'll have to give that a try next time. thanks!