they are our friends,
they need our help!
because of this, there isn’t a lot of research available, and
treatments are all experimental. unfortunately because it is “experimental” it
is not covered by their insurance.
we have been able to put together one heck of a raffle prize.
that prize will include:
$100 Gift Certificate to PSA Essentials
. . .
$75 Gift Certificate to Barn Owl Primitives
. . .
$50 Gift Certificate to the kiki comin shoppe

. . .
the good people at Paper Coterie are also offering 40% off any orders using the promo code: 1825SUPPORTROB. plus they will write the Grimshaw family a check for 20% of all sales using the special code through the month of july.
that’s a $400 value!
With each $10.00 donation you make you get one raffle entry.
Plus you will be blessing the lives of this sweet family. Won’t that feel good?
a big thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping our friends.
we feel blessed to have such wonderful readers!
we will be having seperate raffles that include a lot of wonderful donations from our local friends!
please. stop by. say hi. buy a treat or two. it would really mean a lot to us!
I would love to help. The link to donate is not working. I will check back later to see if it's back up again. Meanwhile, the family is in my prayers.
AWESOME way to support a family. My heart goes out to them! Our family lost my brother in law at age 43 to a recurrance of testicular cancer!
God Bless this family! My prayers are with them as they fight this!!
Praying for this sweet family. I donated, not just because of the awesome prize, but because I know that every little bit can help in this sort of situation. Sending lots of love their way.
Hilary Craner
My husband was recently diagnosed with cancer and I am forever grateful that his prognosis is so good.
My heart goes out to this family.
Denise Beatty
I will pray for this family. I cannot even imagine what they are going through. I would be lost if anything ever happened to my husband. I have donated to help them through this tough time.
I have donated $10 and wish I could give more, but I will certainly pray for this family. May God Bless them richly.
Catherine Alford
I have donated $10 as this story touched my heart so.
Praying the Lord will do a miracle for this family.
Mindy Harris
My heart aches for this sweet little family. The link is still not working, but I will definitely be back to check it. Thank you for doing this for them.
We have also donated. I lost my mom two years ago to a rare cancer. Cancer sucks!
I just donated $10.
My father was just diagnosed with cancer and I cannot imagine how much harder it would have been if it had happened when I was a child. I will be praying for Rob and his beautiful family.
Lori Kaczmarek
I just donated $10 and tons and tons of prayers for this family!!! Sending them only good thoughts 🙂
Just donated another $10 from my husband. We were both so touched by this story! GOD BLESS!!!
I have donated $10.00 twice ($20.00) total.
My hearts wishes and prayers for this family are great. You don't have to know someone to care about them.
God bless this family.
I made two $10.00 donations.
Best wishes to this family, our love and prayers are with you.
God Bless you all for putting this together to help a family in need! Lacee Bukoskey
You are all in our prayers, keep fighting. Lacee Bukoskey
Another $10 from me.
Denise Beatty
This story breaks my heart. I am praying for the family and made a donation.
I donated. I have two small girls myself, and can't imagine what those little girls are feeling. Hugs for the entire family.
Kelly Kerr
I donated. I couldn't imagine if this was my husband. I hope he can get the treatment he needs and get better soon!
Kelli Sablow
I wanted to help this family out. I donated $10 and wish it could have been more. Anyone who has cancer really hits home with me. I hope Rob will respond to treatment. My dad survived ten years with brain cancer so there's hope! My prayers are with them.
Thank you for sharing their story and allowing us to help in a little way! I donated $10 and will keep this sweet family in our prayers!
Kim Oergel
We made a $10 donation. Our thoughts and prayers are with this sweet family.
Love, Natalie Adams
i work in an oncology office, so i totally feel for this family. praying for a miracle for them. i donated, but wish i could do more…
They're in our prayers. I donated $50 – Liz MacDonald.
I donated $50. Liz MacDonald
Liz MacDonald and family donated $50
The Liz MacDonald family donated $50. All the best
I donated $50. All the best do that darling family. Please keep us posted.
$10 donated from our family. This family will be in our prayers. What great friends to be doing this for then. Valerie VanderHoeven – vanderhoeven@nventure.com
$10 donated from my husband also. This family will be in our prayers. What great friends to be doing this for then. Valerie VanderHoeven – vanderhoeven@nventure.com
I will just copy & paste this one time because I just made a $20 donation. I am praying for this family and just posted a link to this post on my blog. I think it is great that you're doing this for the family! I pray they get MANY donations! Thanks, Nancy Wilson
The Apple Basket Teacher
I will just copy & paste this one time because I just made a $20 donation. I am praying for this family and just posted a link to this post on my blog. I think it is great that you're doing this for the family! I pray they get MANY donations! Thanks, Nancy Wilson
The Apple Basket Teacher
Prayers and blessings for this family.
Thank you for the opportunity to help.
Jenni Robinson
Another $10
Denise Beatty
$10 more.
Denise Beatty
$10 I will keep you in my prayers.
Denise Beatty
Praying for this family:
Entry #1
Entry #2
Entry #3
Entry #4
Entry #5
Entry #6
Entry #7
Entry #8
Entry #9
We donated, wish it could be more. Praying for this sweet family. What a great thing you are doing to help them through this hard time.
Billie Jo Gruninger
Thanks for helping them during this terrible ordeal. I can't even begin to imagine what the mom is thinking/feeling. I lost my own mother to the dreaded disease when I was 12. Now, as a mother, I have even more respect for my father for holding us together. I wish I could have donated more. I will be praying.
Vicki Rundlett
This family will be in my heart and prayers.
Daniel Farley
Daniel Farley
My prayers and thoughts go out to the family. They are ver blessed to have love & support at this time. I donated $50
Beth Greenberg
another $50
another $50
another $50.00
Wishing Rob Godspeed in his treatment journey. Know that people all over the world are holding the Grimshaw family up in love and prayer during this difficult time. I encourage everyone to donate…you won't think about the $10 an hour later but it will make an undeniable difference in Rob's life.
God bless,
Casey Reynolds
I feel for this family. My father in law passed away on June 9th from this SAME cancer. His battle was short and his tumors were never this bad, thankfully. I hope this family turns to the Lord and is strong for one another.–Sherry Winckel
What a terrible ordeal for a young family! They have my prayers and faith. I am happy to donate!
Entry #2. Blessings!
I'm happy to donate the $10. My father just passed this Feb. He battled with histiocytosis sarcoma for two years. It too is very rare and it took them the greater part of the two years just to diagnose him because it was so rare. He had raised nodules all over his body. Then they moved inside and he finally passed with ARDS (acute respratory distress syndrome) I know how difficult a time the family is having and I'm sending you prayers and love. My heart goes out to you.
Glad to donate and lift up prayers!
Donated $50 – second post.
Donated $50 – third post.
Donated $50 – fourth post.
Donated $50 – fifth post.
Thank you for sharing their story… I'm so sorry for them all.
I will be praying.
Of all the luck… I am out of town for the holiday or would TOTALLY come by the bake sale! I will just have to buy a raffle ticket online I guess! 😉
We will keep them in our prayers.
Allie Evers
I just donated. This is such a sad story. I will repost on my blogs and facebook. Hopefully, we can get more and more people to donate.
I have donated $10 to this family. Thanks for sharing this story. Let them know that perfect strangers are passing on their story. Hugs to them.
I made a donation and really hope for the best for this family!
We lost my mother-in-law to a rare cancer 2 years ago…cancer sucks. I hate it.
We will be praying for this beautiful family…
Just made my $10.00 donation…
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to help…
Maggie Massey
Another donation. I know it is not much, but I hope it helps.–Sherry Winckel
I made a $10 donation. Wish it could have been more. I will be keeping Rob and his family in my thoughts. Tracy Staffieri
$10 for Hope
With Love,
Julie Dennis
$10 for Faith in healing
More Love,
Julie Dennis
$10 for perseverance through the pain
Julie Dennis
$10 for miracles
Julie Dennis
I was touched by this family's story and made a $10 donation. Thank you for using your blog for such a meaningful cause.
Dana Robinson
I donated for this family. Though I have suffered a huge loss, I cannot imagine the pain this family is going through right now. I am reminded of the verse that inspired my blog: There is wonderful joy ahead, even though the going is rough for a while… Trials are only to test your faith, to see whether or not it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests gold and purifies it– and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold. 1 Peter 1:6-7
Even though we do not and cannot understand why something like this happens, we know that there is a God who does understand, it's in his plan, and that plan is greater than ours. Even though it seems ridiculous and maybe even cruel to think about, there is going to be a wonderful joy ahead for this family.
My prayers of comfort, peace, patience, love, and grace go to them. And may others see and find Christ through their testimony.
Entry 2
Entry 3
$10 for courage.
Prayers and best wishes,
Jenny Craver
Done! I am happy to donate just because I know it is needed. I am losing my Grandfather to cancer, and it is very difficult to go through. This family is in my prayers!!
Amber Bee
This family is in my prayers. I have donated $30.
2nd entry
3rd entry
Chantelle Perez (forgot to put my full name on the other ones)
My dad died of pancreatic cancer when I was 14, so I can relate to the little girls involved. I know I can't do much, but I will donate and keep Rob and his entire family in my prayers.
I just donated but I don't want to be entered in the contest. Instead, I would rather offer up a $100 gift certificate in addition for more people to donate. My website is http://www.sweetpaperlane.com – I am the owner, Jayne Pritchett. I hope everyone can spare a little to help this family – prizes or not. I will continue to spread the word. God bless all of you!
My heart aches for Rob and his family. I made a donation and will pray for a miracle this family.
Anita Farrell
You sisters are wonderful to help out this family. I have lost an uncle & an aunt to cancer this year. I am so sorry for all this family is going thru. It sounds like they have faith & a great support system. I will keep the family in my prayers & hope for a cure. I donated $10.00. It would be great to win a prize, but that is not why I donated at all. It is such a small way to offer help. Please keep us updated on his treatment.
Tara Marchido
Praying for the Grimshaw family.
(Two $10 donations)
Patrice Taylor
Praying for the Grimshaw family.
(Two $10 donations)
Patrice Taylor
I donated $40.00 to this more than worthy cause. Keeping this family in my thoughts and prayers.
Melody Peterson
I donated $10 through paypal. Prayers going out to this beautiful family during this difficult time. May they know that many many people are praying for them.
Very happy to donate $10 for this family. Will be praying for successful treatment.
-Kelly Hyatt Carpenter
Donated $25 for this wonderful family. My prayers are with you!
Holly Whipple
Entry #2
Holly Whipple
My heart goes out to this little family and couldn't help but cry while reading their story. I donated my money but wish I could donate hugs and help of some sort. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Kristen Trinnaman
I would be more than happy to help out. I can give a gift certificate for my etsy shop…no problem. Please let me know if you are still taking donations.
God Bless
Donation made. Hope it helps! Thoughts and prayers headed to this brave family.
~Dana White
Happy to help in a small way. I really hope he gets a boatload of health quickly. love, bridget bond
Miracles happen and God is good. Best wishes, Bridget Bond
Heart aches for this family. I wish them the best.
Charlotte Herres
(2nd comment) I'll for sure be checking back for updates now. They deserve some good news and to know that even strangers are cheering them on!
Charlotte Herres
I just donated. My thoughts and prayers go out to this little family. I only wish I were able to donate more for them in this time!
Just donated…
Will be praying for this family
Kelly Dawson
Donated $10 Prayers to the family.
Rick and Amy Francom
Donated $10 Prayers to the family.
Rick and Amy Francom
My prayers are with this family. Cancer has touched my family but God is good. I donated, the link worked fine.
Kelly Douglass
Praying for this family
Kelly Douglass
By HIS stripes we are healed
Kelly Douglass
$10 from my husband, our whole family is praying
Kelly Douglas (Tim)
I donated $10.00. Praying for this family
I donated another $10.00
I donated $10.00
I have donated $10. I wish this family the best!
Stephanie Hegland slynh999@gmail.com
What a beautiful family and what supportive friends you are to help them out. Just donated and hopefully with more donations and prayers, they will get through this.
Donated $10.
Julie Zirker
Donated $15
Julie Zirker
I am praying for this family 🙂
I donated!
I donated and am praying for this family! kdynes415@gmail.com
I donated again – miracles do happen!!! kdynes415@gmail.com
I donated $10. I will keep this family in my prayers. My husband is a survivor of colon cancer{25 years} and is now fighting prostate cancer with radiation. I hate cancer.
Amy Bohner
i donated!
also, i just read through each and every comment and my heart is so big with all the gratitude from strangers.
thank you for doing this.
I made a donation, what a great idea to do this on your blog. I heard about it from kikicreates. Thanks for making it easy to donate and THANKS to your amazing sponsors for giving such great prizes. Amy Cocanour
Great thing your doing. I donated $10 from our family to this sweet family. our prayers.
Love Lauren In Ohio
I donated another $10 for this family in memory our mother in law we lost 6 years ago to soft tissue sarcoma. hugs and prayers during this time.
Lauren in Ohio
I lost a brother three years ago to cancer. I feel I know somewhat of what they are going through. I hope my donation can help.
$10 donated. Rob and his family will be in our thoughts and prayers. What great friends they have to help them at this time of need. Take care. xo Kalli Christensen
kallijochristensen {at} gmail .com
$10.00 donate and I wish it could be much more…God bless.
This family is in my thoughts and prayers. I can't even imagine what his thoughts and feelings are right now. I also pray that the family will find peace through all of this. $10 donation is obviously the least I can do. Wish I could do more. I'll check back and read the updates.
Just donated! I'll praying for this family. That's an awful thing to have to go through.
It is so nice that you are helping out this young family. My heart goes out to them. I have made a donation to help the family.
Trish Falcetti
I just donated $10, what a heartbreaking story, I will keep the family in my prayers!
Hello my name is Laura Kono, I donated 10.00… I've only been a fan of for a short while but I can tell you're great friends and blessing to others. Miracles do happen and are possible with God. I pray for complete recovery in Jesus name.
Tara Varney (ditzyblonde@cox.net) $10
Tara Varney (ditzyblonde@cox.net) second donation $10
Amy Clayburn
$10 donation. Praying for this beautiful family!
Donated and praying for this family. I have 8 and 2 year old girls also- this breaks my heart to see that daddy can't even hold his girls.
May Heavenly Father watch over and protect your family every second of every day. We will pray for a miraculous outcome! May your days be filled with laughter and the knowledge that Families can be together forever!
Just a small donation backed by a lot of faith!
Very touched by your creativity and generosity towards your friends.
carmen chang
Very touched by your creativity and generosity towards your friends.
carmen chang
Prayers and thoughts for healing and support from our family to yours…
Debbie in AZ
Oops! I donated $10 along with our prayers and thoughts in my comment above.
What a neat way to encourage donations! I donated, and my thoughts and prayers are with this family. Oh, and my full name is Laura Tanner.
Shannon McDowell smcdowell@me.com
God Bless you & may He bring you quick healing and comfort.
Shannon McDowell smcdowell@me.com
one more entry…Praying for your family and knowing God is good.
Tammie Clark
This is wonderful what you are doing to help. Praying for this sweet family and hoping they will be able to get the help they need. Although small, I am happy to make a donation.
Tammie Clark
one more comment, another donation, hoping that every little bit helps.
What an amazing thing to do! I'm so happy to make a tiny donation to his wonderful family! May the Lord bless them and you.
Renee Schwendiman
I just donated $10 but wasnt able to leave a comment under your original post about Rob and his family (where all the raffle stuff is listed). I too am hoping Rob is meeting with a doctor from MD Anderson as they really are miracle workers there!
-Ryann Cashman
happy to help! donated $20 (entry #1)
gretch31 (at) hotmail.com
thanks for such a generous raffle.
(entry #2)
gretch31 (at) hotmail.com
$10 for hope
Hillary Divis
I am so impressed with your kindness and the amazing difference you are making ! I am glad I can be a small part of that. Aliza Bowcutt
Our prayers are with this sweet family!
Praying for the Grimshaw family. Donated $40.00 (# 1)
Vidhya Sivanandan
Praying for the Grimshaw family. Donated $40.00 (# 2)
Vidhya Sivanandan
Praying for the Grimshaw family. Donated $40.00 (# 3)
Vidhya Sivanandan
Praying for the Grimshaw family. Donated $40.00 (# 4)
Vidhya Sivanandan
Hi girls…..donated 10
Hi girls…..donated 10
Hi girls…..donated 10
Hi girls…..donated 10
Hi girls…..donated 10
sorry, those last 5 comments were from Carol Monson 😉
My heart goes out to their family. I think it is great that you figured out a way to help. Cassandra DeGrace
We will definitely be keeping this family in our prayers. What an incredible way to support them. Thanks for the opportunity to help.
Thank you eighteen25 ladies for emailing me back and telling me how to comment 🙂 I'm new to all this! I have donated, and I will be praying for this family. Thank you!
Kristin Neely