and it’s free!!!
create a page for your family
click on assign jobs
i love that you can set up each child’s account with chores that are specific to their age and abilities.
once you are all set up you’re ready to roll.
i’m thinking cleaner home in no time…
i won’t be repeating myself 1,000 times…
& the kids can feel independent + contribute to the family.
head on over to the website and browse a minute.
take a look at the option of setting specific rewards.
a new toy/video game
they can shop on amazon…
they also have the option of setting their money aside for savings
they can share with charities…
how cool is that?
oh… and when they finish their chores, you will be notified…
by text or email!!
(no, i’m not joking…cool, right?)
so, now do you believe me when i say brilliant?
i bet you do!
want to learn more? watch this quick video! in fact show it to your kids. i bet they’ll think it’s fun to do chores with the help of my job chart!!
What a great Idea ! Just love it.
I started using this a few weeks ago and my 6 year old LOVES it!!!
Fantastic idea!!
My kids seriously love this. We saw it a few weeks ago on The Idea Room, I think, and it's been a fixture in our house ever since. I also award bonus points for random acts of kindness – and subtract them for naughtiness, acting irresponsibly, or being unkind. It's really, really great. And they love saving up for their Amazon rewards!
Totally, LOVE this….THANK YOU for posting….
I love this. All of my children (ages 24-17) will be home this summer and I am a little worried about the "I'm on vacation" thought mode setting in with them. Maybe we'll have to use this site to keep that from happening. 🙂
I go the old-fashioned route with my kids—laminated paper job chart for each kid. Jobs get checked off with dry erase markers. It works great for us now, while the kids are little. But I can see this being the cool step-up when they get older! Hope it sticks around.
LOVE this!!! My boys will love this too! I can't wait to start and try it out! I've tried the paper charts, earning tokens, etc. but it's so hard for me to remember every day and keep up with everything. Love this! Thanks for sharing it!
This is a great website…I've been using for about 3 weeks now & it's a big hit at our house, especially with my 9 yo. She is really thriving with it, and I have discovered my kids can do a lot more than I had previously been expecting of them!
Thank you!!! This is a great site. Both my boys are very excited to earn points.
Thank you! I saw this yesterday and immediately went and set up our family account. My boys (6 & 8) were so excited and wanted to start working to earn points immediately. What a great way to teach independence, responsibility and money value…. LOVE it!
THANK YOU! Our old system – earn stickers, go to prize box – lost its appeal. I love how this system teaches kids the value of a dollar. The fact that it's on the computer is a big pull for my kids.
I found this site via Twitter a month ago & love it. My girls can log on w/their iTouch also! They think that's the best part! =)
i love this site i've been using it for almost 2 years & it workz for our family.
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Today is March 8, women wish the whole world happy holidays, always beautiful!
besides,thanks for your sharing!