I’ve always said January is my favorite month of year. Why? Because there is pretty much nothing going on. Life slows down and I’m able to think clearly. There’s also another big reason why I love January so much… it’s the month of list-making. You may like to make a list of goals, resolutions or just fun things you’d like to do during the year or if you are like me you have to make a list of all of the above.
Today we’ve gathered some free printables for you to choose from. An easy way to make your lists a little prettier. Hope you find one you like!
New Years Resolutions for You || 30 Handmade Days
Goals Countdown for 2014 || While He Was Napping
2013 Highlight Challenge || Delineate Your Dwelling
Printable New Year’s Resolutions for Kids || 30 Handmade Days
New Year’s Resolutions Date || The Dating Divas
2014 List of Happy Goals || Michelle Lea Designs
This Year’s To-Do List || Eighteen25
Free New Year Printable || Secret Owl Society
Thanks girls! You're the best. xoxo
Great printable lists! I don't want to burst The Dating Diva's bubble, but I believe the middle one should read "3", not "5". They may have already fixed that by now though. 🙂
thank you! great lists!
Thanks a lot
Thanks so much for including my sheets!
This is awesome! Would it be OK if I featured your post on my blog?
These are awesome!! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂
Thank you for including my printable. 🙂