[This post includes affiliate links. We also may have received free product or compensation in exchange for our review. But all opinions are our own. We have used Blurb for many years and have always been happy with their product and customer service]
are you ready to welcome 2012?
we are on our way to being a bit more organized for next year
thanks to blurb….
they have a new template for a weekly planner
so, here is ours…
it’s pretty awesome because it has a month view….
then, the week’s views…
you can add pages for notes and to-do lists….
throw in some photos….
and you have your very own planner.
you can even get it hardbound, if you want.
so, if you want to feel more confident about leaping into the new year….
you might want to participate in this giveaway!
blurb is giving two of you a planner on them!
to enter:
leave us a comment telling us what your going to work on this year.
is it organization? not procrastinating? being a better friend?
for an extra entry
blurb is also giving eighteen25 followers 20% off their next purchase!
just enter 1825blurb20 at checkout.
offer is good until 12-31-11
(winners will be announced monday, dec. 26th)
I need to work on being more crafty or so husband says.
lovemesomedots10 at hotmail d0t com
I need to organize my life! Winning a planner would be great!
slarsen62 at hotmail dot com
I sooo need to work on getting my house organized. This is the year, people! 🙂
I WILL finish up the 487 projects that are partly done, supplies all bought or only a thought/wish. 2012 is the year!!
I am going to work on getting fit. I'm participating in an 8 week fitness challenge starting on Jan 2!
I need to work on building my first garden!
I like blurb on fb.
I NEED to work on my blog– I was doing so well for a while and then life got in the way…. time to get back to it! A planner would totally help!
I am going to work on being better organized in 2012! I think it will make my life a bit easier and stress free! 🙂 Love this planner, thanks for the chance to win!
I am going to work on Choosing The Best in Good, Better, Best:) Choosing things Of Eternal Value.
This planner would be AWESOME!
Stay Fashionable! Love,Candy
I am a follower of Blurb on FB. I want to work on Choosing Things Of Eternal Value. Making the Best of Everyday:) Stay Fashionable! Love,Candy
I need to get more organized – our house is a mess! 🙂
djcjlw @ yahoo . com
I liked Blurb Books on facebook!
Thank you!
djcjlw @ yahoo . com
i follow blurb on FB!
I'm going to work on accomplishing all the things that have been floating around – not done – for years…;) I'm so looking forward to 2012!!
Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Merry Christmas, girls! You guys are awesome!
I just "liked" Blurb on FB!
I now "LIKE" Blurb on Facebook! 🙂 And mentioned your blog on my post. 🙂
I definitely need work on making lists of things I need to do and projects I want to complete!
Julie C.
My goals for this year are: The 2 F's
Fitness & Finances 🙂
We are getting out of debt & I am getting Healthy
2012 is THE YEAR!
AND…I plan to document it all…so my new Blurb planner would be a fabulous resource!
thanks so much!
Have used a planner every year since I was in my 20's. This planner would be fabulous for the new year for organization and being cute while doing it. Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to work on getting fit. I already started taking kickboxing classes this month and would like to continue. In addition I need to stay organized while planning our wedding. This plannerw ould be perfect.
I'm hoping to be more organized in 2012!!!
I liked "Blurb'" page on FB!
The big thing I want to work on in 2012 is finishing photography school. I started in May and I have been slacking really badly on it. I want to get it finished by the end of 2012!
I like blurb on Facebook!
I'm going to work on making sure I have little rewards/events to look forward to so that I can excitedly make it through each work week!
I am going to work on spending more fun time with my 5 kids!
This coming year I plan to work on the art of letting things go.
Thank you.
Happy Holidays!
I'm going to read more often and take some time to relax.
I will be working on being a new mommy!
I'm going to show my kids I love them in more concrete ways — notes in lunchboxes, time spent playing board games, time alone with each of them.
thanks for the chance – I love blurb and order a photobook from them every year.
For 2012 I am going to work on decluttering my home and my life.
I follow Blub on Facebook. Thanks for another awesome giveaway!
I am going to continue with what I attempted in 2011 — and that is to "finish"! I have a tendency to start projects and not finish them….
awesome! in 2012 I'm going to work on going to bed earlier and getting better sleep. With my 4th baby joining us in a few months, its something that needs to get DONE before he arrives 🙂
I need to get more organized and stop procrastinating. LOL. Had no clue that there were Blurb Planners, and I was just thinking that it would be cool to make my own, because I can never find one that has what I want. Thanks for the chance to win!
this is the year to feel comfortable with myself and my life. I think at 35 its about dang time!
also, I liked them on Facebook
My goal for 2012 is to FINISH everything I started in 2011!
Now like blurb on Facebook. I'll be working on being better organized!
Now like blurb on Facebook. I'll be working on being better organized!
i liked them on facebook!
I need to work on loving ME and seeking healthy, happy choices. 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm going to work on menu planning so I can make more meals at home, instead of eating out. So much healthier!
I would love to get my house better organized.
I'm going to try and send more notes in the mail this year!
Hmmm…I'm going to work on "living every moment as if it were your last"…
I liked 'blurb' on facebook!
Wow, how fun!! My biggest goal for 2012 is doing Project Life… the 365 way, haha. I'm going to take a photo a day and document more of our everyday life stories verses only scrapping about special events and activities. I'm excited. 🙂
Organizing will be one big one for me! The organizer will be a great thing to help me 🙂
I just like blurb on FB 🙂
My biggest goal for the year is to complete one digital scrapbook layout each week. I need to prove to my husband that all of the digital scrapbooking supplies he allowed me to buy were a good investment. Wish me luck!
P.S. I liked blurb on FB 🙂
Man what an I gonna work on this coming year. I am always organizing, but I think I am over organized, so I might need to take a step back with it. Also I didn't scrapbook at all this year so I have alot to catch up on, so scrapbooking is a must.
I am following Blurb on Facebook.
I would love a new planner to help me stay organized with my kids activity list…that keeps growing and dinner plans!
jennybunderson at yahoo dot com
I want to work on choosing happiness, no matter what happens.
I'm going to work on being more positive…and hopefully more patient!!! fingers crossed!
I'm a Blurb follower on facebook. LOVE THEM!!
My big goal for this next year is to figure out that fancy sewing machine I got for my birthday. I hope to actually make fun stuff for our home and for our kidos…not just talk about it.
beanathanrocks at gmail dot com
Agh! I JUST ordered a $70 book YESTERDAY! Darnit. Well I have lots of blurb books in the making in my BookSmart so anything from them would be great for me 🙂
I need to work on meal planning so my family doesn't have to live off cold cereal!
I'm working on remembering birthdays & getting birthday cards mailed in a more timely manner!
I am going to work on keeping a routine to clean up and pay more attention to my housework.
hi creative ladies, this next year i'm going to make small goals towards a healthier life style. i want to lose weight and feel better. thanks for all you share.
Definitely need to work on procrastination!!
I need to get a little more organized so that I have time to exercise!
I like blurb on FB!
I'm going to work on being more organized with my time, household responsibilities and work.
I follow blurb on fb.
I will be working on being more productive and efficient with my time. {basically, not procrastinating} 🙂
I like blurb on FB under Happily Mother After
I heart planners. I look forward to getting a new one each year! I think the reason it appeals to me is that it's a fresh start… who doesn't love/want that?? This is such a great give-a-way!!!
I'm planning on organizing more fun outings with the kids and husband in 2012!
I am planning to work at getting the graphic design I do on the side turned into a full-fledged business. This planner would help! Thanks for the chance to win!
I am following Blurb on Facebook.
omgoodness. i love this idea!!!
this year i am going to work on being more organized and promoting my new etsy shop, june 34! 🙂
What I'm going to work on next year is…Don't start projects and never finish them…I'm always starting a project go to the next one before that one is even done
I follow blurb on fb 🙂
i just "liked" blurb on fb! 🙂
I liked Blurb Books on facebook!
I want to get my house organized this year!
Time management is what i am in desperate need of learing!
I am following blurb on facebook
I'm normally a very organized but with kids in school and extra activies and a hubby it's getting harder. A planner would be a HUGE help. Thanks for the chance! Happy Holidays ~ Lindy
This year, I'm going to try to find a good balance of being a mom, doing things for my husband, and doing things for myself.
I will help my bff craft for her sure to be beautiful wedding this summer!
My goal this year to the 365 Project-Photo A Day!! I've decided this is the year to take on this challenge 🙂
I am hoping to get my cross stitch done and caught up on my boys' baby, proof, and portrait albums…maybe even a little in the family albums too…
following blurb now 🙂
I am going to work on getting some photos organized and cleaning out and organizing every room in my house.
i love blurb!! i didn't know they made planners, but i live by my planner…need this bad!!
i liked blurb on fb
I want to set up an Aquaponics garden this year. Of course, snow shoeing and camping with my husband is on the list. Maybe we'll take a road trip and see all of our scattered family members!
I am going to seriously work on getting out of debt – AGAIN! I always start off good and then slip back into old habits. I paid off my school loan today. My snowball is rolling, baby!! Merry Christmas!
organization is always a big thing for me…also I will probably use it to track and organize my running and excersise program..
I am following Blurb on Facebook!
I am going to work on my debt in 2012, hopefully get rid of some of it 🙂
I am a Blurb fb follower!
Working on organization and this planner would be a big help towards that goal!
I would love to spent more time exercising and loose some weight.Then get the job and learn to cook Asian food. Hope I can live life to the fullest next year!
I need to work on my money managment… nuff said!
We are just starting to build a new house, so we have a TON of planning to do!!
I liked them on facebook!
This year I really want to remember all birthdays and get cards sent in the mail. Maybe with this give away I really can.
My organizing skills (that I once had) have got to come back to me in 2012! I have to find them!
I am going to work on taking better care of myself!!!
I need to work on everything, not procrastinating, organization, getting more fit – I need it all baby.
I am going to set aside time every week to give my daughter a piano lesson. I've let it slide the past 6 months……
Rawtruegrit at hotmail d0t c0m
I am going to work on making better meals!! This is one of many things I want to work on in 2012! Thanks for the giveaway! Amy @ gasudimack(at)sbcglobal(dot)net
I'm focusing on organization this year—both at home and at work.
I'm going to work on the kids scrapbooks! I need to get caught up before more time goes by….:)
Following BLURB on FB, too! (I love the books I've made through them)
following blurb on fb! love the books I've made so far:)
I want to make daily to do lists next year, enter me !
I want to work on procrastination.. Ever since I had my baby it seems to be getting worse!
This next year I'm going to work on organizing the rest of my house. We got off to a good start in 2011, but the master bedroom and closets didn't get the attention they need yet.
i need to work on housework. it is the bane of my existence, and when i put it off it only gets worse.
Haha I want to work on using a planner consistently, so this is the prize pack for me 🙂
I want to work on fixing up my kitchen!
I'm going to work on being more organized, and not leaving things til the last minute. Sigh.
I like blurb on fb.
I am going to work on being more efficient with my time which will include daily workouts, devotions, cleaning, etc.
I "liked" Blurb on Facebook
I love love blurb!! I made a blog book this past year and my kids read it all the time. I plan on working to finish another one this coming year!
I like them on Facebook!
I am going to work on trying some new recipes for dinner instead of always going to the same old standbys.
I want to have a less cluttered condo.
Merry Christmas to you and your readers, I'm just stopping by new blogs that i think are interesting. And then ill put some of those on my favorites list to visit again. Happy holidays folks and wishing everyone a healthy new years as well. Richard from a Amish community in Pennsylvania.
I am a list person. So I love planners, this is so cute an d I would love to win.
I am working on balance in 2012….balance between work, play and home !!
Love the planner – looks great !
Hi there,
My plan this year is to procrastinate less. My middle name is procrastination (what can I say, I work better under pressure). However, I want to be able to make my Christmas cards early and not wait until the week before to send them out. I always start out with really good intentions and then they slowly fade away. This year I started making my Christmas cards before Halloween with great intentions of having them done and mailed by the day after Thanksgiving. But noooooooo. I just finished them up Sunday night and mailed them out yesterday. So for 2012, I would like to get my butt in gear and actually follow through with finishing up projects that are started early. We'll see how it goes. Thanks for the chance to win. Have a great Holiday.
Yay! These a beautiful. And an organized 2012 sounds lovely.
This year's priorities:
1. Fitness
2. Extra time for friends and family
3. 2 new countries to visit
I need to work on being more efficient with my time this year! I think it will help me to get more done and it will also help me to be happier because I will be more productive! Winning this planner would be nice to help me keep organized.
I liked them on facebook as well!!
I need to work on time management and a healthy eating plan!
I liked them on Facebook!
Hi I really like your blog so I send u the link of mine, with the hope you'll like it 2 🙂
What am I going to work on this year?
My 2012 blurb book or course.
I made a blurb planner for my husband, I'd love one for me as well.
Pick me!
I need to work on procrastination! seriously!
I'm going to work on simplifying. Honest….
Ondrea from AZ
I am going to try to catch up the last 10 years of scrapbooking… wish me luck!
I am sooo getting organized next year! Thanks for the opportunity!
I'm all about letting things go next year. Just…be.
I am working on my patience with my children. Not an easy task what with the fact that i'm pregnant and hormonal but I really want to try!
I just NEED to stay on top of things!! If it isn't written down I forget!!
Prioritizing! Definitley going to work on prioritizing.
i need to make good use of my time. seems like things are always sneaking up on me!
following blurb on facebook 🙂
sharabachman at gmail dot com
i am going to work on being on top of things so i have more free time for my kids. 🙂
i like blurb on fb.
I'll be working on patience…especially where my kids are concerned! And having a better routine for my family!
I need to organize my home life and work!! Constantly on the go and a planner would hopefully make my world easier!!!
i want to organize my pantry and kitchen like all the ones you see in the magazines! it's the only place that the kids and husband don't destroy so it might stay somewhat organized!!!! thx!
I want to organize my daily life to be able to fit more crafting time in my schedule.
carolinejaco at gmail dot com
I need to organize my menus. I need to PLAN PLAN PLAN and then actually do it!
I want to get more organized.
Next year I look forward to moving into our new house! Getting on a better weekly schedule!
I like Blurb on FB.
I liked Blurb Books on Facebook! SO excited to see all the products!!
I need to have more follow through–I have started many things, but find it hard to keep up.
This year I want to be even more organized and follow through on craft projects.
I liked them on FB
have more patience w/ my 2 boys…
Oh boy, I need to get myself organized!
I am going to work on being more generous…with my money and with my time!
I need to work on being more organized!
I would really love to eliminate the pile of papers on our kitchen island! Then, perhaps throw in some regular exercise.
I'd like rid of a lot of the clutter around my house.
i have tons of things to work towards. mostly an uncluttered house and a healthy body. plus more painting.
I need to work on my time management so this would be super helpful!
I follow Blurb on Facebook.
I follow Blurb on Facebook.
My goal for 2012 is to finish more of my craft projects by actually scheduling them on my calendar. this would be a great tool!
I'm going to work on getting myself into shape! After the holiday's of coarse. 🙂
I follow them on FB!
I'm going to work on making exercise a priority, working on my creative side, and developing charity. (Already a fb follower!)
I want to be more organized in 2012. Things have gotten out of control toward the end of the year.
I want to exercise, learn how to sew and tackle Project Life!
I follow Blurb on Facebook.
I follow Blurb on FB!
I definitely need to be more organized and a planner would be a huge help.
I like Blurb on facebook
I'm going to work on simplifying and decluttering my home and life! I would love to win a planner to help me out!
I already follow Blurb on FB! 😉
I *REALLY* need to work on organizing my craft room!
I also liked Blurb on Facebook!!
One of the things I just wasn't blessed w/ is being organized! And I yearn for it!
hgrossman at cableone dot net
I am going to work on enjoying my family more. I feel so busy and sometimes neglect my family. I want to work on that!
mommy.2kidsnc (at) yahoo (dot) com
I liked Blurb Books on FB!
mommy.2kidsnc (at) yahoo (dot) com
School School School!
A great planner would help me stay up on the things I need to be doing at school
Planning on working to be a better mom… getting my exercise on and practicing patience.
Merry Christmas!!
I'll be working on my dissertation.. which means I'll be working on organization and not procrastinating… 🙂
2012 will find me working on getting the house ready for the real estate market. Great planner – thanks for the giveaway.
I just liked blurb on facebook!
In 2012 I'm going to be a better meal planner! yum, yum!
I also starting following on facebook! Thanks!
We will be doing a major renovation on a new house in 2012, and I could definitely stand to be a bit more organized!! Will it help my chances if I tell you my birthday is the 26th?? 🙂
I am going to work on managing my time better and getting more sleep!
I like Blurb on FB.
my goal for 2012 is to be intentional. in my parenting and in my marriage.
In 2012 I want to get my house FINISHED!!!! Then I can get it organized and be able to finally enjoy it! It's been a looooong 4 years of living in reno chaos! I'm ready for 2012!
i am going to work on living more simply.
So many goals for 2012, but my biggest one is to work on finding time to craft again! I miss my "therapy" of crafting!
I would love one of these! I am trying very hard to get more organized with most everything in my house this coming year!
Since our youngest son is no longer at home, we are switching his room and our storage room around. We want our former storage room to become a guest bedroom, as it is in a more convenient location for company. And our son's room will be perfect for storage.
I want to work on my time management!
I need to find time to get caught up on my scrapbook pages and to make sure I read to my son every night before bed – he deserves it!
I was late on every single birthday card I gave out this year. My calendar was so full of doctor appointments for my sick daughter that everyone forgave me but I still felt guilty every single time.
I'm going to work on Christmas 2012 in January 😉
I'm going to work on being one month ahead on all crafts!
I'm going to be a better mom by sharing my children's excitement over what's new/silly to them.
I would like to try to cook more and try new recipes that my family will all eat.
I just started following them on facebook. Thanks!
thank you for the chance to win! so fun!
I need to work on organization!!
I like Blurb on FB!
Working on getting me (and my family) healthy!
brandesfam at me dot com
Following Blurb on FB
brandesfam at me dot com
I really need to work on organizing my cleaning schedule. I have a few ideas… This might help, I wonder if I could put a check list on each week…
I need to schedule craft/sewing/knitting projects – without a written deadline I procrastinate – sometimes to the point of never getting the project done! Thanks for the chance to win.
PLEASE pick me! I've printed lots of books through Blurb and I love their work. I need to work on balancing my time better. And an organizer would certainly do that!
Also, I'm a Blurb follower on FB. 🙂
I am going to work on being better…
I definitely need to get organized. We're preparing for a big move next year and I need to get it together!
I follow Blurb on facebook.
Oh heavens, I have so many things I want to work on! #1 – better organization. This would be a perfect leaping off. Thanks for the chance!
I follow blurb on FB!
wow, what great books! i have so much to work on in the new year…we moved across the country 7 mos ago & had a baby 6 mos ago so my biggest goal is to get my house in order!
liked them on fb!
I am going to work on spending better quality time with my 5 sons.
I like Blurb on FB.
I would love to be more organized this coming new year.
In 2012 I will work on my health and well-being (so I can continue to take care of everyone else!)
I also liked blurb on FB.
I need to learn to be more organized especially in the kitchen and cooking area.
I follow blurb on FB!
auntgoogoo at hotmail
In the new year I DO want to be more organized (use a binder-type method), so this will help immensely!
auntgoogoo at hotmail
This year I'm going to work on gratitude. I know it can only make my world brighter.
That, and, overscheduling. I need to cut back on a few activities and playdates so I'm not so stressed out!
Every year it's the same. Organize, organize, organize!!!!
I would LOVE this planner!! This year I will be working on organizing my home, uncluttering stuff and making it a welcoming and hospitable environment to host many friends/parties. I will also be working on teaching my toddler daughter to recognize her ABCs and 123s.
In 2012 my goal is to love, pray, trust, and be creative more than ever 🙂
I like blurb on facebook
I just liked blub on facebook too!!
I want to get my basement organized this year!!
I am going to work on living life to the fullest everyday instead of taking the days, months and moments for granted.
What a great organizing tool. I am hoping to become more digitally savvy, I would love to personalize this with my photos that live on my computer.
I need to organize my Closets!
I plan to schedule time for me! Just realizing how my life revolves only around my kids and my husband's career, I plan to start attending a women's bible study and maybe even join a choir. If a get really bold, maybe I'll even audition for a small community musical. I am excited about what next year holds!
Following Blurb on Facebook!
I have 3 girls…8, 6 and 5 and I have got to get the clothes in their closets switched and passed down to each girl.
I would like to be better at being on time to work. Thanks for the giveaway.
need to oragnize Christmas for next year. oh and paying off debt need ALOT OF PLANNING for that!
theshabbyfarmchick at gmail dot com
In 2012 I am going to work on FOLLOW THROUGH! I have twenty gazillion (yes it is a number) projects started and half done…including scrapbooks, treasure books and treasure boxes! I need to start what I finish….and boy, wouldn't a planner to map it all out in help:)!
Wow, I was just thinking that I need to get a weekly planner just like this one. With one kid in kindergarten, one in preschool and all the various activities, I would love to have something like this that I could always have with me.
I follow blurb on Facebook.
I am working on managing my time better!
I am going to work on finding joy in the here and now!!
I am going to work on not to get scared or back down when I know that I am right
I want to get organized and do a daily to do list next year, try to pay all bills on time! 😉 This planner would be perfect!
I hope to work on first off making this a healthier year. (weight, energy, etc..) then procrastination and with that goes organization. How nice to have the chance to win one of the books, I can how this would be helpful. Thanks for the chance!
I need to get organized!!!
I'm going to work on organizing all our papers/photos and on being a better friend
This year was organizing my house including my craft/scrapbooking area. Next year is about getting the pile of crafts half started, finished and working on the year's worth of stories to scrapbook. Hoping to do Project Life for 2012.
I am going to work on eating healthier!
I need need need to work on organization and scheduling more time at home… being a stay at home mom, I don't find myself home much! Thanks for the chance to win!
I am working on gratitude.
I am going to work on being more positive and filling in the holes in my scrapbook for my sons of their childhood.
I just "liked" blurb on Facebook. Would love to win a planner.
This year I really need to work on my email inbox! I read stuff and then forget to respond. I should have a rule that if I don't have time to respond, I don't have time to read.
I am going to work on organization!
Love that planner. Could definitely use that. I want to work on getting organized and finishing some projects around the house.
2012 is all about organization for me!!
I am now following blurb on Facebook!!
2012 I WILL be more organized!!!
I am working on balance next year a mix between exercising and a healthier life style
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I follow blurb on facebook
jessicarwarfield at gmail dot com
I need to become way more organized! My mother in law has to put appts on her calander so I don't forget about them. ha!
I follow blurb on fb. Thanks ladies.
i need to work on being healthier. that is something i really NEED but i WANT to win this. thanks
like on fb
i also am following blurb on FB
I'm going to work on simplifying our lives saying no to the things that don't matter and yes to the things that do:)
I need to work on taking my cake designing to the next level. Just because I can't eat it shouldn't stop me from designing and gifting my creations to others.
cassie.thurston at yahoo dot com
Heavens, what won't I be working on? Work on getting more "me time," work on reading more, work on organizing those trouble spots in the house, work on being there for my family, work on work and being more on top of things. . .the list is pretty much endless.
In 2012 I would like to be more organized, do more scrapbooking and manage work and home time. Thank you for the chance to win 🙂 Merry Christmas 🙂
taraleake at gmail dot com
I'm going to focus on feeding my family the healthiest food possible. It's not a sprint, it's a journey. 🙂
I am always working on organization but this year I am going to concentrate on all those project in my head that I so want to finish!
I like Blurb on Facebook!
There are many things I want to work on this year! Taking care of myself is at the top of the list. I always put myself last, being a wife and mother I make sure my family is taken care of first and usually neglect myself. So I am going to work on getting me healthier. If I take care of me all the other things on my list will fall in place.
I follow blurb on FB
I am going to work on organizing our family life. I am a new mom and our lives could be a little more organized.
Making better choices.
organization? not procrastinating? being a better friend? … all three!!! i love this idea and will definitely be ordering one if i don't win! thanks girls.
oh and i follow blurb on facebook!
For 2012 I am going to work on making my days more efficient. I think if I can tackle the day by day better, it will leave more time for me to NOT procrastinate. I really want to get my blog going, as well as finally get my etsy site going, hopefully with better planning I can manage all of it.
I also started following blurb on facebook 🙂
I've to get my act in gear to finally do some albums. My pictures are still on my computer from 3 years ago. Every year I say I'll do an annual album in December but it doesn't happen. Not this year…it's going to be different 🙂
I love blurb and have made several books with them so ofcorse I follow them on Facebook. This year I am going to work on my family history and try to publish some
I {heart} blurb & eighteen25!
very merry christmas to all!
So one of my main goals, is to finish all my unfinished craft projects. There are a lot of them.
I want to work on using my time better and not wasting it. This planner would be a huge help!
We really need to work on organization and our budget (it got a little crazy during the holidays). Thanks for the chance to win.
I am going to work on becoming more fit and staying more organized.
I want my house to stay more organized!
I'd love a blurb planner. I'm getting ready to make my 2011 family album there!
I'm following on facebook too!
I need to work on organization in the new year. This would be a great helper! Thanks for the opportunity.
Sb6hope at gmail (dot) com
Planning to work on organizing/ documenting/scrapping the "olden days" photos and stories. Boxes and boxes of them and 2012 is the year. Thanks for the chance to win.
I want to be more organized this year!!!
Following blurb on FB.
Oh this would be so perfect for my mom!!! This yet I am going to work on stickin to my budget so I can buy a home!
Suzanne dot Blair at gmail dot com
I am going to challenge my siblings and friends to lose weight. How great would a planner be for everyone to keep track of what they ate and their workout regiment?
how awesome!!!! i love this…
i will totally beworking on my organization skills. they are bad.
I will be working on simplifying home and hearth! Realizing the small things matter most, and just donating most everything that really doesn't have a place in my heart! Also will be working on getting my insides healthy and whole!
following BLurb now on fb !!!!
I would love a planner! My goal in 2012 is to organize my house and reduce the clutter.
I can use all the help I can get!
I'm always making lists. Can never have too many journals or planners to help organize the chaos that is my life!
This year I want to work on not procrastinating…the end of my school career is near and procrastination is not the best idea! lol
I'm going to work on getting my life and house more organized, and learning more knitting and sewing!
It's time to focus on my home. "Nesting" is my goal this year!
I am going to work on real, hard-copy photo albums for my kids!
I like to follow Ali Edwards "one little word". This past year it was "better". Pretty much applies to everything. This year I think I am going to go with "breathe" it might inspire me to get to hot yoga more or even be more patient with my children!
This year I need to work on being a better wife.
I will not procrastinate in 2012!
I'm planning to work on being organized & procrastinating less next year.
I'm following blurb on Facebook.
I would love to be more organized "NEXT" year! A Blurb planner would be just the thing!
I would so enjoy being able to plan out time for crafts and cooking..what a great idea!